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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Where in the forest elf bowl?

Sarcoscypha Austrian (lat. Sarcoscypha austriaca) also known as "red Eiffel Cup," or just "red Cup". Is a kind of Ascomycetes family sarcoscyphaceae.

Don't miss out! Very rare painting on the sky: tailed visitor and the silver clouds!

To see the comet with the naked eye — a great success. It is believed that life expectancy it only happens four times. Even rarer to see the so-called "great comet with a large fluffy "tail".

The mystery of the disappearances in the Bennington triangle

Despite the fact that the Bennington triangle is not as famous as other meta, he still has a name and the person who gave it to him. This man was Joseph Citro.

Photos with huge bat scared people

Terrifying the huge bat circled the entire Network and has even managed to become viral. This photo was taken and posted on Twitter a resident of the Philippines Alex Costar.

The oral mystical

In old cities always have their scary legends.

The people of China heard in the mountains "roar of the dragon", gathered on his quest

Thousands of residents of the Chinese village gathered in order to find in the mountains, "a mysterious creature", which emits loud noises. This publication reports the Daily Mail.

Parade of the planets: what is it and what does it affect?

Today, July 4, kicks off the so-called parade of planets — astronomical phenomenon, during which several planets of the Solar system are on the same side of the Sun, in a sector.

Lunar Eclipse and full moon on 5 July 2020

Penumbral lunar Eclipse July 5, 2020 can be seen in the Western hemisphere

In Cyprus at the dam found a strange toothed creature

In the Northern part of Cyprus discovered a very strange fish that resembles an alligator.

Comet NEOWISE: still alive and rapidly becoming brighter

July 1, ray Brooks observed the comet through binoculars near Tucson (USA) before sunrise.

The Ghost swears at tourists in the Quantocks hills

A couple in the UK swears that a Ghost frequently visits the beautiful area known as the Ditch of a Dead woman.

Green ghosts: a new addition to the family cosmic lightning

Want to discover something new? Follow the tops of storm clouds. Sprites, elves, jets — these unusual phenomena are still surprising researchers, watching the cloud tops since the 1980-ies.


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