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34958 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2821 of them were solved, another 10894 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Mystery of the "pearl necklace" of the atmosphere has been revealed

New computer models and satellite observations have helped scientists identify the processes behind the formation of special-type auroras framing the night sky like a radiant pearl necklace.

The appearance of unusual drawings on the skin of Russians in the 90s

In 1989-1990, many people vacationing in the Baltics, on the Riga seaside, on the skin appeared a kind of drawings-marks.

On the map of the 16th century found a picture of a mermaid with a UFO in his hands

This map of North and South America was drawn in 1562 in Antwerp on six large sheets, each of which is almost a meter wide.

Paraguay has a "bloody" lake

A small lake in Paraguay just one night quite terribly transformed, becoming blood-red. The authorities continue to investigate the reasons for such an ominous change.

In France, something has been killing and maiming horses for six months

For six months horses, ponies and donkeys in France suffer brutal bullying of some force. Animals first mysteriously die, and then their ears are cut off, eyes and genitals are cut out.

What are twilight and anti-twilight rays?

We are more than sure that you have seen this magical moment more than once when the sun's rays make their way through the clouds and create the illusion of thin glowing threads descending from the

Village Of Circles

Circles is a village in the Trinity Administrative District of Moscow (until July 1, 2012 was part of the Naro-Fominsky district of the Moscow region).

"Black avalanche" after wildfire

Video from Arizona has flown around the net faster than it moves along the bottom of the dried-up catchment of the Canyada del Oro watershed.

"Blizzard" of butterflies in Tver region

On the night of August 10 in the city of Torzhok in the Tver region went "snowfall", but not real, and from butterflies.

A resident of England adopted her newborn son as a demon

A resident of England told a terrible story about how she took her own newborn baby as a demon.

Water tornado spectacularly came out on dry land in Sicily

On August 5, in northern Sicily, a water tornado spectacularly came out on the beach of Cefalu, lifting sand and dust into the air.

Spider rang the Australian's doorbell

In one of the Australian homes did not expect unusual guests, but, as often happens on this continent, nature decided to play a joke with people.


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