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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Fish without scales and with huge fangs was spotted in the far East

In the far East of the reserve "commander", on the island of Bering, was discovered toothy deep-sea monster big alpizar. The establishment has an impressive fangs up to 3 cm

In the pictures of the Sun he saw a black square

British tabloids and the conspiracy theorists saw new photographs of the Sun the alien ship, which is "10 times more than the Earth." Pictures taken by the space Observatory SOHO.

Get lost in the crowd: why do birds need a murmuration?

The murmuration is a unique natural phenomenon where thousands of birds gather in huge flocks and behave as a single organism.

The mummy exhibited in the Museum was a mixture of dirt and cereal grains

The national Maritime Museum Haifa (Israel) for a long time exhibited a couple of sarcophagi with mummies, however, their authenticity has long been questioned among experts.

The moon is rotating around its axis: time lapse video which is impossible to do from Earth

The moon's rotation around its axis is synchronized with the rotation around the Earth.

The windfall in the reserve

July 14 in the Ryazan region was swept with a storm, the consequences of the disaster on the present, eliminate in the Oka reserve.

The car of the Irkutsk region was in the video

According to the head of the Observatory of ISU Sergei Yazev, inhabitants of Irkutsk have witnessed the flight of a bright bolide over the region and even managed to capture the unique spectacle on

The scientists said the results of the study in Japan of a fallen meteorite

Fallen in Japan in the first days of the month, a meteorite splinter flew past Earth asteroid was investigated in detail.

Off the coast of Florida formed a mysterious "blue hole"

From time to time on land failures, which absorb all of the items. As it turned out, the water also formed a hole, the scientists call them blue holes.

As a born Islands

Fascinating process in the video — the eruption of the volcano Kavachi, one of the most active submarine volcanoes in the Solomon Islands.

Comet "Neowiz" is visible in the evening sky. She's not coming back over 6800 years

Observations of the sky from the aircraft have their advantages — do not interfere with tropospheric clouds.

Flights "to the light"

In the fall of 1989, a resident of dymytrove village, Kirovograd oblast, Ukrainian SSR, Grigory V. Kurnosenko disappeared and was declared wanted by the police.


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