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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Scientists have uncovered the secret of flying snakes

The famous phrase "Born to crawl cannot fly" is not actually true. Among the snakes found are the only ones that can travel a distance of several meters through the air.

Due to the flammable body cream lit up the woman

83-year-old resident of London, Yvonne Webb suffered from eczema, because I could not live without moisturizer, which turned out to be flammable and have resulted in an accident.

In China filmed a video "fire show", hosted by lightning

The element of threat staged another show, this time in the middle Kingdom: one of the tall buildings of the Chinese city of Shenyang has assumed a powerful electrical discharge from the atmosphere

Near Voronezh Chupacabra killed more than a dozen pet birds

Near Voronezh Chupacabra killed more than a dozen pet birds. The owner of a farmstead stabbed the beast with pitchforks.

NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Robert Behnken landed near Florida

American astronauts Doug Hurley and Robert Behnken successfully landed on water in the Gulf of Mexico near the coast of Florida.

Rostov was faced with a huge "dust devil"

The residents of the Rostov region in the vicinity of highway M-4 "don" was lucky enough to witness an amazing natural phenomenon, which is not so often seen in our latitudes.

The sea organ in Croatia: the music the sea itself

If the sound of breaking waves puts you in a trance, you should definitely listen to the famous "Sea organ".

Who whistles in the closet at night

Michael told an interesting incident from his childhood.

"Fireball" in the sky over Colorado and new Mexico

The American meteor society said 68 reports from witnesses of an unusual object in the sky. The bolide was observed in Colorado, new Mexico, and Arizona.

Mysterious Delta Aquarids: what do we know about this meteor stream?

Every year from 12 July to 23 August on sky active meteor shower, the Southern Delta Aquarids. Peak flow occurs at the end of July — beginning of August, this year on July 28.

Rocket "Soyuz-2.1 a" was launched from Baikonur cosmodrome

The carrier rocket "Soyuz-2.1 a" to transport cargo vehicle "Progress MS-15" was launched from Baikonur cosmodrome.

Unusual creatures found on Australian beach

A resident of Australia found on the beach of unusual substances. According to Yahoo News, the woman posted photos of finds in Facebook.


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