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"Зеленые человечки" и выхлопные газы

Added Tue, 08/10/2019
Дата публикации
Sat, 01/12/1979

Dear Mr. editor! I live in Genoa and one day witnessed TV shows in which they discussed whether "aliens" come to us, kidnap people, etc. would Like to read on the pages of your journal, what do you think about "little green men" and their "spacecraft" and other Soviet specialists.

Giovanni CESARINI, Italy

This question is answered by doctor of chemical Sciences, head of laboratory physico-chemical and radiological studies of the Institute of General and communal hygiene Mikhail DMITRIEV.

Even as the last century a French academician Francois Arago lamented: where would we be if we denied all that I can't explain... Let these words serve as an epigraph to our conversation about the unusual phenomena in the atmosphere, "unidentified flying objects" (UFOs) and the like.

I share the point of view of scientists, in principle allowing the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. But, if they really even have to communicate at a distance would be very difficult, not to arrange flights. Have to disappoint the supporters version visiting Earth "green" and the other "men": no reason for her not. Claiming otherwise is just ignoring the available data scientists. And she say that none of the "flying saucers" was not registered locators outside the earth's atmosphere. Sometimes the emitted radio signals radiate chaotic and lifeless Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. At the same time, despite the round-the-clock monitoring of the air, the orderly signals has never been adopted by numerous radio stations.

English scientist Repas recently synthesized the results of thirty years of research "UFO" like space ships aliens, rightly observes that this assumption is only possible to believe in God; to support it with scientific data is impossible. "Flying saucers" do exist. Pilots are not just met them in the air. I've read reports with descriptions of the glowing balls, cigars, more - ROM. They emitted a bright, comparable in strength with the lunar and solar light. Hung motionless in the air, is removed or, conversely, approached the aircraft. Even "faced" with them... Take the verb in quotes because of collision of the aircraft with the zone is very strongly ionized air it is possible to speak rather conditionally. After all, glowing orbs, cigars, discs and other "UFOs" - this is such a zone, and not space ships of aliens. Moreover, such zones may land on the surface of the planet.

Will stay here a bit more. Scientists are well aware of the phenomenon of chemiluminescence (CHL), used for example in devices for determining the composition of gases. In the air are chemical reactions with the release of light. Electric discharges, heat, ionizing and ultraviolet irradiation, air pollution can increase this effect many times. And then inflames already visible to the eye by the cold flame. It was adopted by supporters of UFOlogy (pseudoscience about aliens from outer space-English UFO - "UFO") for another alien craft. However, wishing to believe in "space aliens" it is difficult to convince. They continue to argue that the emission in the atmosphere cause the exhaust gases arriving alien ships. USA made three costly government project involving private companies and a large number of scientists to test different versions. The conclusion was the same: talking about the extraterrestrial origin of "flying saucers" for no reason.

According to the estimates already mentioned above the English scientist Ripasa, in 90 percent of cases for "flying saucers" are objects, both natural and artificial origin (meteorites, airplanes, satellites, etc.). The second is becoming more. And the glow of the air contributes to atmospheric pollution. The less able, the cleaner the atmosphere, the less the likelihood of "flying saucers". Of course, it's one thing, say, to work every day with using the principle of chemiluminescence devices anywhere on the plant, and another to see the approaching glowing disk out of a plane or flashed in the morning sky a huge taketh sheaves of rays of the star. Big psychological difference. To reduce the can first acquaintance with areas of chemiluminescence in the press. Pilots you need it most. Terrible meeting with the area of CL and the lack of preparation for it which, especially in light of stories about "the humanoids", cause the crew to panic and catastrophe.

Zone CL occur at a height of up to 70 kilometers. Sometimes unexpectedly - for example, when a break in the surface layers of the atmosphere stratospheric ozone. Value areas - from centimeters to several kilometers in diameter, the usual duration of from half an hour to an hour. By night they are more visible than during the day, when the bright sun is sometimes completely invisible. The light can pulsate, and depending on the reacting substances to be different colors - blue, blue, orange. Thus, in the area of CL Petrozavodsk phenomenon, which was observed in our country not so long ago, it was noted bright red in the middle and white at the edges of the gully.

Incidentally, the colouring one can judge how dangerous for the organism causing this phenomenon air environment. So, blue and blue indicate the predominance of ozone and oxygen atoms, in large quantities is more toxic than giving the orange and red oxide and nitrogen dioxide. The concentration of ions and electrons in the zones of CL increases compared to the ordinary air of thousands, millions of times. Dramatically increases electrical conductivity. Can occur its own, very significant electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter, centimeter and decimeter ranges. Engineers working in computer centers district surveillance Petrozavodsk phenomenon, said that night is a major problem in the computer, which then disappeared.

At very high concentrations of energy and substances in the area of CL and they can explode like fireballs, but the calculations show that the likelihood and intensity of such explosions is small. Itself chemiluminescent illumination spectrum close to solar. It is harmless. However, the area of CL can disrupt communications, electronic and radar equipment. If the crew is breathing air from outside, with him in the plane can also be harmful to the body. Their presence can be identified by the appearance of a sharp irritating odor, and character, as already mentioned, the colour of the glow.

The task of the pilot to avoid contact with the area of CL, and if it failed to exercise self-control and to be especially careful until she's left behind. Otherwise, there is a case like what happened once with six us aircraft "Avenger" over the Atlantic ocean.

They, apparently, were in a low-intensity area CL, which own glow in the bright Sunny day was quite invisible. Penetrated into the cabin along with the outside air of harmful substances led the pilots to a drug state and then to death. The pilots landed on the water not calculated for this aircraft and drowned. And before that, they stopped noticing great shining sun, they found that the clouds and the space underneath the plane suddenly changed a weird color. People are trained, they understood that something unusual is happening, but I didn't know that and therefore are unable to resist in General is not the most difficult situation. It happened in the Bermuda triangle, but surely something similar could occur at any point of the planet. Even more than over sea and over land, where aircraft often fly. And the court die or end for unknown reasons left unknown where the missing crews not only there. The danger, which is sometimes present for a person of unusual phenomena in the atmosphere related to the fact that it is due to human activities continue to accumulate toxic substances, do exist. And such phenomena may become more frequent.

What to thick rugged marine and aviation lines of the Bermuda triangle, the local climate differs big power consumption of the meteorological processes. So, even fireballs, not to mention other unusual atmospheric phenomena, is here to meet more often. Such zipper could, for example, unexpectedly and instantly destroy the aircraft or small ship. But such is man! At leisure to talk about aliens seems to many more attractive than to make out a fairly complex physico-chemical processes. In addition, the rumors do not know the distances and excite people.

I think that the explanation of unusual phenomena of the atmosphere does not need any fundamental new discoveries in science, and just more data. Well, if we could, for example, to send to area CL of meteorological rocket and to take samples of the air. Very important and just visual observation. In terms of when to predict, where, at what time will arise an anomaly, almost impossible, random observations extremely valuable. Maybe the clue not yet discovered phenomena of the atmosphere they will play a crucial role.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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