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Ural ufologist told about anomalies in the Prayer

Added Wed, 07/10/2020
Дата публикации
Tue, 06/10/2020

Many residents of the Perm region know about the village of Molebka. And it is known for what is considered an anomalous zone, which is called the M-triangle. The discoverer Of zone-M was Emil Bachurin in 1980. It was from that time that the active study of Prayer began. Ufologists talk about various anomalous phenomena that were seen there - from sound mirages to UFOs.

Correspondent progorod59.ru I talked to the Ural ufologist Alexey Korolev, who has been studying Molebka since 1999 and even arranges tours there. The specialist read about the village back in 1989 and then became eager to learn everything about it. He told me what he saw with his own eyes and why it's not so scary.

Appearance of an anomaly

No one can say for sure about the causes of anomalism. This was debated both during Bachurin's time (the 1980s) and now. We can only say that this happened here long before our time. Something similar was observed in Demidov times, and local Voguls (Mansi), who lived here since ancient times. But, of course, only in the twentieth century came the scientific approach and began to study the phenomenon. However, conclusions are still very far away. Personally, I am of the opinion that some kind of activity is conducted by extraterrestrial civilizations.

About abnormal phenomena and fear

Abnormal phenomena in a Prayer service are something completely unpredictable. Basically, the Zone confronts us with something we didn't prepare for. For example, if you go there to see a UFO, it is unlikely that such an observation will occur. Most likely, it will be something else. You may come across traces of a Yeti, but I prefer to call this creature our native word "leshiy". Or maybe in the dark of the night forest, a plasmoid will Shine (a glowing ball, a clot of plasma - ed.), and you will be a whole group of spellbound looking at it. And then he will take it and disappear before your eyes.

By the way, we found many signs of the existence of "Leshego" here. Well, a lot of other things are happening that are difficult to even identify. For example, in 2017, we saw fantastic flights of "stars" in the forest on the other side of the river. The explanation with fireflies or glowing insects had to be rejected. What size should fireflies be in order to Shine like a large star in the sky at a distance of 100 meters? And the speed of movement would be incredibly high for insects.

There is no special fear in the Zone, on the contrary, there is a huge interest in the observed phenomena. However, as I see every time for myself and my groups, no one wants to come closer at such moments. Still, the unknown frightens us, let's admit it. True, and attracts. That's why we all go to Prayer.

About communication in the anomalous zone

There was no telephone service in the area before. Now in some high places takes 1-2 mobile operators. But in General, the forest continues to be far from civilized. And this is good, because Zona-M allows a person who is tired of the oppression of megacities to take a break from all this whirl. We find ourselves in a natural environment where time passes less quickly, there is no fuss. And there are simple peaceful joys: to sit in the light noise of the trees, to warm up by the fire, to sleep in a tent.

About Alyosha

Why the monument to the alien was named Alyoshenka is not known for certain. However, for some reason, all such creatures in our country and in the world are called by this name. There was, for example, the Kyshtym Humanoid alyoshenka Pretty. And in Mexico, its found brethren are called "alushi" by the people. There is some mystery in this.

Opinions of Permians

Alyona Yurkina, 24 years old.

- In General, I don't believe in anomalous phenomena, but often on TV they show that they really exist, give some evidence. At such moments, the opinion changes, but not for long. Probably because I haven't experienced it myself. But maybe this is the case, why not.

Svetlana Popova, 25 years old.

I haven't seen any anomalous phenomena, but I accept the existence of other civilizations, galaxies, and the like. I do not know how to explain it, it may be absurd to believe in something that I have not seen, but they believe in God. Why not believe that, too.

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