Added | Tue, 07/09/2021 |
Источники | Тайны 20-го века №51, декабрь 2010 года Автор: Валерий Ерофеев
Дата публикации | Tue, 07/09/2021
Феномены |
We have repeatedly told about the work of the Samara non-governmental research group "Avesta". This group has been collecting data on anomalous phenomena on the territory of the Middle Volga region for more than a quarter of a century. For many years, the main object of studying the "Avesta" was the Samara Luka with the Zhiguli Mountains. And recently, scientists have begun to explore a number of mysterious objects in the Middle Volga region.
Mysterious rings
The Avesta Research Group was formed in 1983 at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (now the Samara State Aerospace University). It includes young scientists-enthusiasts who decided to devote themselves to the study of age-old mysteries and anomalies of the Samara region. The researchers gave the name" Avesta " to their group in honor of the holy book of the followers of the prophet Zoroaster, or Zarathustra, who founded a religion called Zoroastrianism and introduced the cult of fire worship into it. According to some sources, many centuries ago, the Zhiguli Mountains were one of the world centers of Zoroastrianism.
The so-called Kruglovushka (the accent is possible both on the second and on the third syllable), which has long existed near the village of Sizhee of the Bogatovsky district of the Samara region, belongs to the number of those objects that interested the Avestovites. Scientists have recorded on video and photographic film a characteristic ring structure between the local lakes, similar to concentrically located moats with water and earthen ramparts. This gave reason to believe that there were settlements of ancient man on the site of Kruglovushka thousands of years ago.
Over the past 20 years, the Avestovites have been constantly engaged in analyzing the legends and epics of the Middle Volga Region, and one of the results of studying the mythological material was the discovery of dozens of zones with signs of anomaly in the Samara region. For many years in a row, researchers have been conducting regular observations in a number of such places, including in the Shiryaevskaya Valley and other points on the Samara Luka, in the Gremyachee and Devil's Finger tracts in the Syzran district, in the Vavilov Valley (Pestravsky district), and so on. One of such anomalous zones identified by the Avestovites was just Kruglovushka.
Time has stopped
The researchers received the first information about this mysterious zone back in 1991, and soon they were able to visit the vicinity of the mysterious "white spot". Then, from the stories of the residents of the village, they realized that Kruglovushka is an island of a regular round shape, located on one of the local lakes. However, scientists were able to see firsthand the entire ring structure of the Kruglovushka only after a well-known balloonist enthusiast in Samara, engineer Viktor Pilyavsky, joined their work. A few years ago, he built a unique paraglider with a motorcycle engine. This aircraft allowed the pilot to observe the surroundings both at a considerable distance from the ground, and from an extremely low altitude. And now, with the help of a paraglider, researchers were able to obtain new data about a mysterious anomalous zone on the territory of the Bogatovsky district.
Here is what Oleg Ratnik, the vice-president of Avesta, a teacher of the Samara Aerospace Lyceum, told about what he saw:
The island, which the villagers call Kruglovushka, has about 50 meters in diameter, it is densely overgrown with thorny bushes and low trees. There are three well-marked, concentrically arranged water rings around it. And the whole system is surrounded by a clay-earth shaft up to 30 meters high and 400-500 meters in diameter. The local population has noticed for centuries that various mysterious things regularly happen on the Kruglovushka itself and around it. For example, sometimes at night a strange glow rises over the island, sometimes eclipsing the light of the stars.
The villagers also told the researchers about a certain "blue fog" that can suddenly appear over the center of the Roundhouse, spread widely over the water and then just as suddenly disappear at the very border of the forest. In addition, the island seems to attract lightning during a thunderstorm. At least, the "heavenly arrows" strike here several times more often than in other areas of the neighboring forest. Apparently, all this is happening for a reason, because the devices brought by scientists 10 years ago registered a slightly increased level of radiation in the area of Kruglovushka. Instead of eight or eleven "background" microrentgens per hour, 24-30 microrentgens are periodically recorded here. But physicists are well aware that radiation radiation can cause local ionization of air, which leads to the occurrence of various electrical effects at a given point. But here the question arises: where can the notorious source of radiation come from near a peaceful village lost in the expanses of the Samara Volga region?
"Tailed Star" and "special place"
Local residents have long been saying this about Kruglovushka: "The lake is special. Directly from it, from the farm to the village, it seems to be very close. But few people go past the Roundhouse. It seems that there is nothing to go, but you go, you go — and you can't reach it in any way, you seem to be standing in one place." From this legend, the Avesta employees concluded that for unknown reasons, the properties of space and time can sometimes change in the vicinity of Kruglovushka. In a word, there is something like a "gate to the Looking Glass", which so far has been visited only by Alice-the heroine of the famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll.
And not so long ago, researchers from Avesta heard another legend that seems to shed light on the origin of the "strange lake":
"It was a long time ago, even before Stenka Razin walked around our edges. There were almost no Russian villages on the Samara River at that time. But one night, trumpets seemed to sound over the forest, the earth trembled, the hills danced, and a "tailed star"fell from the sky. And then the" special place " was discovered."
Despite the hypothesis about the "heavenly" origin of the local anomalous phenomena, researchers still believe that the system of regular concentric circles and shafts near the village of Sizhee is a creation of human hands. In any case, archaeologists excavated settlements of the Early Iron Age (the beginning of the first millennium BC) in these places many years ago.
A lot of such finds happened in the vicinity of neighboring villages, for example, near Andreevka, located 10 kilometers from the Exit. Therefore, we can assume that at about the same time there was also a Roundhouse.
Icon in the lake
According to the president of Avesta, engineer Igor Pavlovich, the circular structure of Kruglovushka gives it a certain similarity to Arkaim, another ancient settlement that was discovered by aerial photography in the Southern Urals in 1987. Arkaim turned out to be at least half a thousand years older than the legendary ancient Greek Troy. Scientists believe that it was built by the Zoroastrians, who at that time were very numerous in the vast expanses of present-day Eurasia. However, at the beginning of the first millennium BC, this ancient civilization suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth. The reason for its disappearance is still unclear to historians, and it remains to this day one of the greatest secrets of the Ancient World.
The current residents of the Village are not too touched by these disputes of scientists. The villagers have had another legend about Kruglovushka for half a century. According to her, one winter, in the early 50s, a local collective farmer was walking on the ice of the lake. Suddenly, unexpectedly, she saw an ice hole in which an icon with the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was floating. After fishing the icon out of the Icy water, the woman took it to the local church. Since then, the lake on which the Kruglovushka stands has been called a Saint by the locals, and various miracles that occur here from time to time are explained only by God's Providence.
Now this lake is an object of worship of the villagers, in connection with which an Orthodox cross was installed on its shore many years ago. On religious and patronal holidays, a procession is necessarily performed here, ending with a mass ablution. However, everyone can dive into the waters of the Holy Lake at any time — for this purpose, a special bath is arranged on it, they say that with the help of such water procedures, sufferers have been cured of a variety of diseases more than once.
In addition, the Kruglovushka Lake near the village of Sizhee, as well as the water sources located nearby it, are now registered with the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Samara Region as a unique natural monument of regional significance.
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