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A bright fireball swept over Spain

Added Tue, 04/06/2024
Дата публикации
Tue, 04/06/2024

A bright fireball swept over Spain on May 29. Numerous eyewitnesses observed the flight of a celestial body that was as bright as the full moon, Meteoroides reports.

The fireball flew over the province of Cuenca at 23:03 local time (21:03 World time). It came into view at an altitude of about 84 km above the settlement of Salises, moved northwest and "disappeared" at an altitude of about 21 km above the settlement of Huelves.

The meteoroid crashed into the atmosphere at a speed of about 57 thousand km/h. Preliminary analysis shows that part of it survived and reached the earth, but its mass is estimated at only a few grams.

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