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After 2 years of Hiroshima will host the first artificial meteor shower

Added Thu, 23/11/2017
Дата публикации
Wed, 22/11/2017

Sometimes piece of engineering never ceases to amaze. We have seen the hologram of the long-deceased singers performing their hits, virtual reality helmets, showing incredibly realistic worlds. Automakers are even constructing a special chamber simulating weather conditions from the scorching desert sun to snow-covered Northern latitudes. But Japanese experts sights on something more ambitious: to create an artificial meteor shower, which will be absolutely safe for observers.

Such an ambitious idea meets the company Ale. In 2019, a group of researchers plans to launch into Earth orbit its own satellite. He will be "charged" special balls that will be thrown to the spacecraft. These balls are filled with a special substance, that the entry into the atmosphere and the interaction with it begins to glow. Varying the concentration of substances in the balls will allow you to achieve different colors for the glow. According to representatives of the company's Ale, from the surface of our planet joining the balls to the atmosphere will look like a meteor shower.

This "light" show will be performed in the sky over Hiroshima, but to see it will and those who will be in the radius of 100 kilometers from this city. The process will be short: only 10 seconds. During artificial meteor shower of balls almost completely burn up in the atmosphere and are not dangerous for people. It is worth noting that the aim of the project is not the entertainment of spectators, and the experiment, if successful it is planned to create a network of such satellites, which could thus notify people in emergency situations or man-made disasters.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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