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The Devil from Jersey

Added Fri, 26/10/2018
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The Jersey Devil
Область распространения
United States
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The Jersey Devil or the Jersey Devil has been known in American folklore for many years. He is usually seen living in Pine Barrens (New Jersey). The creature is erect, 1 to 1.8 m tall, with a body covered with black down. He has the body of a kangaroo, horned horse (or goat) head, bat wings, hooves and snake tail. It makes terrible screams and leaves hoofprints.

The legend of the Jersey Devil can be traced back to the time of the North American Indians. One of the Delawares tribes called the local peatlands "Popuessing", which means "land of the dragon". Later, Dutch researchers renamed this place "Drake Kill" — "Dragon Creek". Delaware legends also report that not far away in New Jersey there is a place called "Squankum", which means "land of evil spirits". In most legends about the Jersey Devil, his origin is associated with Mrs. Leeds (aka "Mother Leeds"), an alleged witch who lived at the end of the XVII century.

The "homeland" of the Jersey Devil is a hut called "The Shrouds House" in a local pine forest among peat bogs, which still exists.

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