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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Ice needles and frosty fog

At Christmas, very frosty weather was established in many parts of Russia. Somewhere the temperature dropped to -20, somewhere 0 even to -50!

What is watermelon snow and why is it better not to eat it?

Watermelon snow, also sometimes called "glacier blood", is an amazing phenomenon — the coloring of snow in pink.

What are square waves and how are they dangerous for ships?

When colliding oncoming waves at an angle of 90 degrees, so-called rectangular waves can sometimes form. Such a spectacle can amaze observers, because the water looks like a chessboard.

SpaceX launched the Israeli satellite EROS-C3 into orbit

Today, SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 launch vehicle with the Israeli Earth remote sensing satellite EROS-C3. For Elon Musk's company, this was the 61st rocket launch in a year.

Sailors found a yacht without people in the Bermuda Triangle

Two yachtsmen from the Ocean Research Project found an abandoned yacht in the Atlantic Ocean. They noticed that her sail was lowered, the engine was not working and no one was visible on board.

Why some people are able to "see the aura" around others, scientists have found out

The supposed psychic abilities that allow people to see auras around others may just be a brain quirk, according to a University College London (UCL) study of a rare form of synesthesia where some

A huge funnel formed in the park of Yorktown, New York

A sinkhole has closed a popular park in Westchester County. 

Have you ever seen a rainbow in its entirety?

When viewed from the ground, we see only the upper half of the rainbow, but in general it is a complete circle — such as in the picture taken with the help of a drone flying over the Lofoten Archip

The first Quadrantid starfall in 2023 will take place on the night of January 4

The Quadrantid meteor shower, active from December 28 to January 12, will reach its maximum activity on the night of January 4.

It rained iguanas in Florida on Christmas Day

The record cold snap and snowstorms that have engulfed most of the United States have consequences not only for millions of residents, but also for local ecosystems.

A newly discovered comet is approaching the Earth

Discovered last spring, comet C/2022 E3 ZTF is approaching the Earth and will approach the minimum close distance of 0.28 AU in early February.

Gray snow fell in one of the districts of the Irkutsk region

Residents of the Irkutsk region last weekend were shocked by the fall of gray snow in the working village of Markov, as reported by the publication IRK.ru .


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