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Sailors found a yacht without people in the Bermuda Triangle

Added Fri, 30/12/2022
Дата публикации
Fri, 30/12/2022

Two yachtsmen from the Ocean Research Project found an abandoned yacht in the Atlantic Ocean. They noticed that her sail was lowered, the engine was not working and no one was visible on board.

The sailors, concerned that there might be casualties on the ship, decided to disembark and check it out. One of the crew members filmed his passage on the yacht:

"I don't know what's inside. Now I'm going to take a look and hopefully I won't find dead bodies or anything like that."

As a result, there was no one on the yacht, which was 800 miles from Bermuda and 1,500 miles from the United States.

The sailors decided to tow the yacht to the shore. Later, they began to run out of fuel, and they asked a passing cargo ship to stop and refuel them. They continued to pull the sailboat, but in the end they had to cut the tow rope after it caught on the rudder of their vessel and almost broke it.

It was established that a sailboat called Woolfhound belongs to the Irish yacht club. Two months before, the yacht was seriously damaged during a storm, and the crew had to abandon it. They were later rescued by a Greek cargo ship 64 miles off Bermuda.

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