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In the American car snuck in "alien"

Added Sat, 08/02/2020
Дата публикации
Fri, 07/02/2020

Tommy Hortman, a resident of South Carolina was frightened when found in the car of a stranger passenger who resembled a very unusual and even strange bug. Tommy noticed this creepy insect crawling near the window then, when I returned back to my truck, stopped in the Parking lot.

The man was told that this creature reminded him of another well-known film. Beetle looked like a crossed between a lobster and squid. Hortman immediately captured discovered the bug, which had a very fluffy body and six legs.

Data frames almost immediately was posted on the Internet. The man thus tried to understand what kind of creature he faced. The answer could assume Eric day, which is the etymology. Most likely, it was one of the representatives of the "cargobay pray". To be more precise, it was the larva of this unusual creature, which is sometimes also referred to as "monkey slug".

The scientist added that Hortman got off easy, because he just picked up the bug and not tried to kill him. This insect can severely sting which provokes extremely unpleasant red rashes on the skin. The rash is not coming for a long time and it itches like crazy.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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