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Motorists near Lipetsk were scared by the "moth apocalypse"

Added Mon, 24/07/2023
Дата публикации
Mon, 24/07/2023

On the night of July 24, motorists following the roads of the city of Yelets (Lipetsk region) were frightened by a spectacular natural phenomenon. Those who crossed the Karakum Bridge over the Pine Tree were especially impressed: according to them, they were literally attacked by whole clouds of moths. Videos and photos of the incident soon appeared on social networks.

In fact, we are talking about mayflies — insects that are absolutely safe for humans. These days, they are just entering the mating season, and they are tens of thousands of them flying into the air and striving for light sources. There are especially many of them near reservoirs, since after mating they lay eggs in the water.

The phenomenon that frightened car drivers is well known to avid anglers: in their environment, insects are also called snowstorms, since mayflies really resemble a real blizzard during the departure period. The departure of the broom is a signal about a good bite of fish, which also knows about the phenomenon and rises to the surface of the water to feast on fallen insects.

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