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American "moon rocks" turned out to be an earthly petrified tree

Added Sun, 27/08/2023
Дата публикации
Sun, 27/08/2023

A fragment of lunar soil stored in the Dutch Museum Rijksmuseum turned out to be a piece of petrified wood. The opening is reported by BBC News.

The exhibit was handed over to the Dutch Prime Minister by the US Ambassador to that country. The Ambassador, in turn, received the stone from the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission shortly after their return from the moon in 1969. After the death of the Prime Minister, the stone went to the museum. He was insured for the amount of 500 thousand dollars.

Experts questioned the authenticity of the stone back in 2006. Finally, this suspicion was confirmed by an analysis of the exhibit conducted by specialists of the Amsterdam Free University, the Associated Press reports. The American government has not yet commented on the situation.

The incident with the stone may provoke a new wave of talk about the so-called moon scam. Supporters of this version believe that American astronauts have never been to the moon, and all six lunar missions were falsified. Interestingly, more recently, the NASA LRO probe found traces of the landing of the astronauts of the Apollo 14 mission on the Earth satellite.

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