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Police have denied rumors of an alien invasion in Miami

Added Sat, 06/01/2024
Дата публикации
Sat, 06/01/2024

On Monday evening, a strange incident occurred at the Bayside trading floor in Miami, which attracted the attention of dozens of police officers and caused a wave of rumors about an alien invasion. CBSNews writes about this.

When a lot of police cars with flashing lights and sirens arrived at the Bayside Marketplace shopping center, rumors immediately began to spread on social networks about "8-10-foot-tall aliens" who allegedly entered the building. The belief in these rumors was so strong that some claimed to have seen a mystical creature standing right in front of the mall.

However, after a while, Officer Michael Vega denied these rumors, saying that there were no aliens or UFOs on the spot. Instead, the police were called to disperse an ongoing brawl between 50 teenagers inside the building.

"There were no aliens, UFOs or aliens," Officer Vega confirmed. "Neither the airports were closed, nor the power outages."

Despite this confirmation, the rumors continued to spread, creating incredible interest in society. The term "Aliens in Miami" even entered the top 10 search queries on X (Twitter), and stories about alleged aliens began to be published by major news agencies.

"I do not know if the rumors about aliens in the Miami mall are real, but I know for sure that I have never seen so many police in one place," wrote one of the X users.

Experts note that the incident has become a vivid example of how information can be distorted and mistaken for the truth in the digital age.

Despite the lack of confirmed facts about aliens, the epic "Aliens in Miami" has become a real hit on the Web, emphasizing the need to verify facts before taking fascinating stories at face value on social networks.

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