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American soldiers said that he was kidnapped and he saw the three races of aliens

Added Mon, 01/10/2018
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Mon, 01/10/2018

A couple of weeks ago on conspiracy sites appeared an unusual video with a story of a soldier of the US army about how he was abducted by aliens. An unnamed black man is surrounded by other soldiers and tells how he was kidnapped and what he saw in the midst of the aliens.

On the Board behind him, he tries to sketch described, but the video is hard to see what he drew. Judging by the smiles on the faces of the soldiers, they don't really believe his story, but kidnapped tells in detail and seriously and seem to believe in what he says. According to the soldier, after he was kidnapped, he saw the three races of aliens.

The first was a typical big-headed and low-growing "gray", the second was a "high white", and still others for the reptilians. On the Board he has tried to portray these creatures.

Then he says that he had been on the planet grey and there he breathed ordinary air, as the atmosphere of their planet and Earth are very similar. But the gray planet is in a binary star system and there are two suns (as in Star wars on Tatooine), so the climate there is much drier.

"Bones "gray" is also much more fragile than the bones of a man." The most aggressive race of the three they saw, according to the soldier, it's the reptilians. They are real enemies of humanity. They are bipedal, taller than two meters and very muscular. According to the soldier, he said that between the grey and the reptilians was a big war and that gray killed many reptiles. After that, the reptiles decided to take over our planet and if a huge asteroid flying towards the Earth, it's actually their ship.

Then the soldier says that between humans and gray long ago there was a clandestine program of cooperation under the name "Majestic 12" and that 12 of earthlings over the past 13 years was sent to the planet of gray. And that the famous Steven Spielberg film "the Secret encounters of the third kind" is was very close to the truth.

All American presidents, including Barack Obama was allegedly well aware of the existence of aliens. When colleagues ask of a soldier who was Jesus Christ an alien, he replied that he asked gray the same question and they replied that he was a man. However, he also said that the DNA of all people, including Jesus, the hands of aliens was changed 68 times since prehistoric times.

When the video appeared on other sites, it was found that it was posted online a few years ago, but then few people noticed. However, despite the years, still do not know the name of the soldier, nor the exact year of recording video.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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