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The crew of the huge Globemaster military transporter was amazed by the huge light in the sky

Added Wed, 28/09/2022
Дата публикации
Wed, 28/09/2022

The crew of the huge Globemaster military transporter was amazed by the huge light in the sky, which had all the signs of an encounter with aliens, but the real reason was also interesting.

On Saturday (September 24) Staff Sgt. Christian Malloc said he and the crew saw the light from the deck of their plane. The captain of the 15th Air Squadron said they were "confused" by the unidentified light, adding:

"These photos were taken at an altitude of 37,000 feet from the cockpit of a C-17 Globemaster III somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. We saw it approaching the horizon and were very puzzled by what it could be. At first we thought it was Artemis Launch, which is constantly moving away."

The dizzying light, as it turned out, was the launch of the last SpaceX spacecraft, which took off from the Space Force station at Cape Canaveral in Florida.

"For us, the event lasted about ten minutes from start to finish. Truly a sight," Staff Sergeant Magliocca said. — I am a loader on C17, so my role is everything related to the cargo compartment of the aircraft. The pilots and my other cargo partner were completely stunned. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we will never forget this as long as we live."

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