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Dr. Roger Lear and his study cases introduction of people of alien implants

Added Sun, 18/03/2018
Дата публикации
Sun, 18/03/2018

In March 1998 UFO journal MUFON UFO Journal published a great article American Dr. Roger K. Lira (Roger Leir) (1935-2014).

For the first time in this volume, and as discussed the problem of so-called alien implants (implants) - a tiny "sensors" or "beacons", which are people who consider themselves abducted by aliens, found inside your body. It all started with the fact that in the summer of 1995 the most famous in American medical circles surgeon Lear received a registered envelope sent Darryl Simms is a research scientist working for the CIA.

Sims was asked to give a qualified medical opinion, the attached x-ray and immediately report the results. To Lear have often been approached with similar requests from the police and the FBI and he was sure that we are talking about another difficult, but quite ordinary. But it was much weirder.

X-ray photograph, was the woman ' left foot, in the bones which was a foreign object with strange shape. Lire not jump to conclusions. Having by Simms opportunity to invite the patient, the doctor tried to find out when she broke her leg and under what circumstances in her foot was a foreign object. But she assured Lear that his feet never hurt and never, of course, did not go about this on the operating table. Lear asked her to remove the foreign object. The doctor gave the woman a General anesthetic, a three-hour operation. But as soon as the scalpel cut flesh, as sleeping on a woman in full consciousness... the village. Assistants Lira had to inject several doses of potent anesthetics, but she was unable to sleep. Her body drove strong spasm, the patient emitted a terrible scream. Dr. Lear was forced to perform the operation almost to the quick, while the patient held by four strong nurses. Soon the item was extracted from the foot of the unfortunate. Once Lear had sewn up the incision, the woman instantly calmed down and fell asleep.

— If you look at the object (about one centimeter in length) which I learned directly, ' said air, something he seemed oval. But when I rotate it in my hand, and he took the shape of a letter "T". How this item was attached to the bones of the foot, why, when, and why — can't answer. The skin was not the slightest scar, who spoke about the surgical intervention. Such an operation could do no surgeon, that's clear. But as it turned out in the fancy leg iron "nut"? I examined it under a microscope. The subject was covered in a dark membrane of biological origin. To the touch firm, but gentle as silk.

I tried to cut, but the sharp scalpel was left on the surface of the object and scratches. Further research showed that "piece of iron", implanted in the bone, and consisted of many tiny "screws", with a jeweler's precision screwed not only in bone but also in the nerve endings. That is why the patient reacted to the cut! In this case, all vein and bone joints were removed and what would otherwise be collected. If it is a "wicked by nature" took and played "mosaic bone". Vienna had shades of brown. Why the patient never complained of pain, is unclear.

I sent the extracted subject to a special laboratory. And here is the output received: membrane (biological composition of which is indecipherable) was one with the metal core of the subject and the bones of the foot.

The subject of a precise description is not subject, it can be done only approximately. Every geometric "screw" dressed in the vitreous "the glove", which is impossible to break. The vertical part of the letter "T" consists of iron, incredible strength, of unknown origin and indeterminate color. The horizontal part of the letter "T" gave off electrical discharges, and, apparently, was a conductor of electricity. In General, the "stuff" observed the harmonious Trinity of biological, electronic, and iron substances. Sometimes it started to vibrate and rotate around its axis, but what or who has driven it — was quite clear.

When the patient recovered and finally came to his senses (after three months of hospitalization), admitted that after the operation did not experience the feeling of anxiety that had it not left.

"I feel, doctor, if you have disabled me from some big generator".

It remains to add that all laboratory records about the operation itself of a foreign object Lira was sent to the CIA Darryl Simms. After this incident, intently intrigued by the problem, Lear asked Simms to send him on a study following patients complained at different times that they were abducted by aliens and subjected to surgical interventions. Approached by over 200 people. All of them Dr. Lear personally did x-rays. On the images, clearly visible implanted objects of unknown origin, implanted in the neck, shoulders or arms, fingers, legs or bellies of the people.

In terms of the test, the doctor said is similar to the first patient of the phenomenon — increased sensitivity, the strong correlation of the human body with a foreign object, the omission of anesthesia.

Important detail: all the "patients" admitted that after the extraction of foreign objects they felt a sense of relief, peace of mind. Had they not left the anxiety, the feeling that someone was watching unexplained psychological dependence, fear.

"Everything came to me patients — respected people, among them — scientists, writers, workers, employees. To suspect such a different social scale people in the conspiracy would be ridiculous. But to imagine that such items were fake, even more so. I can't explain what happened. And I wrote about it in his report, Darryl Sims in the CIA. I think live in the world many such people who were exposed to the same implantation".

To illustrate this, the doctor cites the monologue of one of his patients, Pat Parrinello, from a finger which was removed a foreign object of extraterrestrial origin:

"I was six years old, but the memories remain clearly in the memory. I suddenly woke up in the night and felt myself irresistibly drawn to the street. I went out into the yard, as if sleepwalking. Everything was bathed in dazzling light. The only thing I managed to discern is that the light came from a misty sphere hanging over the city. Suddenly I heard a terrible explosion, and he almost deafened me, and then felt my hand was pierced with a hot needle, the pain was severe. Don't remember more. I woke up the next morning in his bed with a fever. I vomited on the sheets was blood. Parents called the doctor, but suddenly the sickness disappeared soon by itself."

"Objects implanted in human organisms, — said the famous French scientist Michel Granger, — a fact that should not be underestimated. I think humanity has to ask itself serious questions: is man really the crown of nature and if he and the world around him only an auxiliary material for higher civilizations?".

After the study, Dr. Lear until his death in 2014 he worked on the problem of alien implants. Here is how he describes his work. Dr. Lear says:

"A lot of times I was attacked on the Internet by "armchair" scientists who have nothing better to do. Their comments were typically as follows: “it Must be this or must be this, but definitely not what you said”.

My answer to them always is the same: “Be so kind as to show me in the literature on medicine or pathology description of the same findings”.

Independent scientific studies have convinced some of our scientific advisors is that these items were made deliberately and accurately. If you look at the most simple part of this structure, it is possible to compare with one of the simplest and most ancient structures known to mankind. I remembered how in childhood he took a copper ring, battery, earphone, small crystal and a little wire and could make radio programmes. Yes, the simplest of constructed devices was the crystal receiver.

Our surgical team may 18, 1996 conducted the operation from three people — two women and a man. On the radiographs it was evident that the man in the left lower jaw was something similar to alien metal body. The two women in each leg could see dark objects as well as small skin lesions, which appeared the next morning after the alleged return of the abduction. It was decided not only to remove items that were viewed the most deep-seated, and cut out the inner part of skin damage. One of the operations were performed only under hypnoanesthesia, as the patient suffered from severe allergies to all kinds of local anesthesia. A few days before surgery Darryl was engaged with the patient, preparing her hypnoanesthesia. When it was an operating day, our main surgeon was surprised that I was able to carry out the operation without the use of additional chemicals. As a result of these operations managed to extract a small triangular object, which was covered with dark gray shiny membrane, and two small light gray balls.

The dermatologist considered that the small light grey bulb was a normal deposition of calcium. He was surprised when the analysis of the material found a set of combined elements that have never before been observed attached to the skin of the leg. In addition, the history of the disease for this type of skin damage completely contradicts the description of this disease, which was given in textbooks. The impression is that the structure of these objects is connected with fulfilling a purpose. This goal has not been established. We hope that further study will provide answers as to their functional purpose. Many people expressed interest in the study or the theoretical study of the functions of these items. Among others we cooperate with electronic engineer Robert Beckwith.

He had a hypothesis about how to operate these items.

He writes a book about his discoveries on these subjects. Many times we have been asked to Express our opinion as to the functional purpose of these objects. I think the possible hypotheses, but they should be considered scientists, who must either justify or refute them.

One of these hypotheses refers to the ability of these objects to act like a tracking device or impulse transmitter. He allows someone or something to detect your object in any point of the globe. Another possibility is that they can act as devices for monitoring the behavior of people. We know that the behavior of people who, presumably, had experienced recurrent kidnapping, sometimes it seems as if they act under duress.

I think it's more plausible the hypothesis that these devices are used to monitor certain pollution levels or even genetic changes in the body. This is reminiscent of the way in which we follow the astronauts in space. Only time, perseverance and research will provide answers to these questions."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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