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Glow da Vinci: why the Moon is visible?

Added Fri, 20/04/2018
Дата публикации
Fri, 20/04/2018

500 years ago Leonardo da Vinci had proposed the unusual theory that explains why the moon glows at night, even if the Sun illuminates only part of it. Turns out his idea was absolutely true. Mark brown has witnessed the "da Vinci glow" when doing the connection of the moon and Venus over Alburnett in Iowa (USA).

Glow da Vinci, which is also known as the ashy light of the moon, called the effect, when the entire surface of the lunar disc seems apparent despite the fact that the sunlit part of it may be only a few percent. It can be observed shortly before and shortly after the new moon. For most of human history, people have admired the pale light of the moon, as if framed by a bright Crescent moon. Until the 16th century no one could explain the cause of the phenomenon, however, Leonardo da Vinci first suggested that the sun's light reflected from Earth illuminates the moon's surface. How could he come to this 1500 years, when most people didn't even know that the Earth revolves around the Sun? The theory of Copernicus was published only in 1543, after 24 years after the death of Leonardo. The incredible power of the imagination was one of the hallmarks of Leonardo in his many sketches of flying machines, tanks, scuba, and other fantastic for the era of devices. We can safely say that this man was centuries ahead of his time.

In 1506-1510 years in Milan, Leonardo created the Codex Leicester is a notebook of his scientific records of various natural phenomena. In the notebook there is a page dedicated to the moon. He argued that "ghostly glow" is due to sunlight reflected from the earth's oceans. 500 years have passed — now we know that clouds (not the oceans) play an important role in the reflection of the light, however this is not essential. You can definitely argue that Leonardo da Vinci understood the basis and the main principle.

"Leicester" code is called in honor of the Earl of Leicester, who bought the manuscript in 1717. Currently, the notebook belongs to bill gates bought it at auction for 30.8 million dollars. On the initiative of bill gates, the manuscript is exhibited in different museums around the world.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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