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In June, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to see the solar eclipse " ring of fire»

Added Sun, 30/05/2021
Дата публикации
Sun, 30/05/2021

The Sun, Earth, and Moon will align on June 10 to create a solar eclipse. This event will also be an annular solar eclipse, which is also called the "ring of fire". This happens when the Moon is farther away from Earth than usual, it is not large enough to completely obscure the sun, AccuWeather reports.

Most of Europe will be able to see a partial solar eclipse around noon local time.

To observe this event, you need eye protection, a direct look at the sun can harm your vision. You need to look at the sky through a solar filter or special glasses for the eclipse.

During a total solar eclipse, the moon covers the entire sun, turning day into night for a few moments.

The Ring of Fire will be visible from sparsely populated areas of northern Canada, northwestern Greenland, and the Russian Far East.

The next solar eclipse is expected on December 4, but it will only be visible from Antarctica.

In June, from the Northern Hemisphere, you can see rare silvery clouds hovering 80 km above the earth. This is much higher than other clouds and aircraft routes.

These clouds form around the particles left behind by meteorites, and drops of very cold water freeze on the meteor dust.

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