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Luna pretended to be Saturn

Added Wed, 18/03/2020
Дата публикации
Wed, 18/03/2020

Why does Saturn look so big? Of course, it's not. A narrow strip of clouds before the Moon made her look like a planet with rings. The picture was taken December 24, 2019, two days before the Moon phase the new moon passed in front of the Sun, creating a solar Eclipse.

How is it that a waning Moon at the end of the last quarter is visible to the whole? This phenomenon is called ashen glow. The sun just before sunrise a Crescent moon lights the bottom and unlit direct sunlight part of the moon has a distinctive gray color. Education ashy light of the moon goes as follows: Earth scatters the sunlight that falls on the moon, and then Moon again reflects it on the Ground.

In the lower part of the image stands the Pacaya volcano, which sparkle with multicolored lights of the small Guatemalan towns.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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