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Over New Zealand lights the earthquake

Added Fri, 25/11/2016
Дата публикации
Wed, 23/11/2016

Just after midnight during the peak earthquake of magnitude 7.8 residents New Zealand residents saw the sky is stunning flashes of blue, green and white colors.

"The lights appeared, when the earth's vibrations have become the most powerful... Dominated mostly green, blue and white color, but had yellow and other shades," said Zachary bell, who made a video of the light show.

Although many people initially thought the lights were the result of explosion of transformers on power lines because of the earthquake, the video shows that the event took place far from the coast. Lightning is also excluded, as this area of thunderstorms was not.

New Zealanders witnessed the so-called earthquake lights, an unexplained natural phenomenon. The lights appear to the earthquake and during it.

"In the past people often interpreted the lights of the earthquake in religious terms, but now I think about UFOs, although there is absolutely a physical explanation that we're working on," says Friedemann Freund from the University of California in San Jose (United States).

Freund was a co-author of the study, which registered 65 examples of earthquake lights since 1600. According to Freund and his colleagues, the lights earthquake — result of the properties of a special type of rock that produces electrical discharges at high pressure.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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