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the President of Brazil because of the poltergeist moved out of his residence

Added Mon, 13/03/2017
Дата публикации
Mon, 13/03/2017

A unique incident occurred in Brazil. The President of Brazil Michel Temer along with the hasty family was forced to leave his official residence. According to Sogo of Temer – he was hindered by negative energy, garnicia with paranormalne, reports with reference to the Daily Mail.

The Brazilian President Michel Temer and his wife Marcela left his official residence, the Palace Alvarado in the capital, Brasilia, complaining of the bad atmosphere in the room and ghosts.

Now 76-year-old head of state and his 33-year-old spouse will live in the residence of the Vice-President, located nearby, reports the Daily Mail.

According to Temer, full inner rooms modernist building caused his wife and feel terrible. The only family member who liked it, was his seven year old son. Marcela Temer was even invited to the Palace of the priest, that he helped to expel from the premises of evil spirits.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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