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Scientists have found in Sweden a pond with a circular motion

Added Thu, 25/01/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 24/01/2018

Scientists inform that in Sweden in the Gulf Copperten crater, in which water moves in a circle.

This funnel was found by the guide of Love Runbeck, who together with his tourists were riding scooters past the Bay Corpfare. Runbeck repeatedly passes the Gulf, but the phenomenon he sees. Tourists are very surprised such a natural anomaly, a funnel in the reservoir was of a huge size with perfectly smooth contour of the circle, in which the water flow was only in one direction. Eyewitnesses in disbelief at how this could happen. Experts commented that such circular dimple can occur due to obstacles in the main flow of water to the other.

Note that at the moment of this natural phenomenon is studied by the Swiss scientists.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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