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The visitor's face sewn people in the subcortex

Added Tue, 07/03/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 24/11/2005

Psychologist Frederick Malmstrom (Malmstrom Frederick) from the U.S. air force Academy (U. S. Air Force Academy) found the typical image of a space alien in the depths of the human brain.

Malmstrom wondered — why people describing his alien abduction, usually draw one classic image of a man with a large head, large slanted eyes, small mouth and chin, nostrils, vertical clams, grey skin?

In addition, that all these people really abducted by aliens the appearance of possible other explanations of such similarities?

The psychologist changed the portrait with the features of view of the newborn: astigmatism, a shallow focal plane, a lack of clarity and normal color perception, and so forth, and got a result very similar to the typical alien.

The author noted that people are telling about abductions flying saucers, often say that they "fell asleep" or they were taken "under hypnosis". And in such States the human brain, real images are struggling with visual patterns, rooted in the deep subconscious. One of the most basic of these patterns — the way the mother saw immediately after birth.

Previously, nobody seems to think that the undeveloped vision of the infant perceives the mother's face than the adults.

Thus, the history of the abduction, as many previously assumed, may well be related not to the actual experience, and to serve as a reflection of certain mental processes in man.

Again, when people are asked to talk about the kidnapping, they are often immersed in a hypnotic sleep in which the subconscious pattern "mother" may float because it was seen by man as proof of "memories of the abduction of the humanoids".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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