Added | Mon, 02/03/2020 |
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Дата публикации | Sun, 01/03/2020
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The cause of the gas seeps at the shores of the Philippines in a place called Soda springs — volcanic activity. It is curious that near this phenomenon is a beautiful coral reef, confirming that many marine ecosystems are able to adapt to quite complex conditions of existence.
When the depth reaches 60 m, from the bottom suddenly begins to rise to a myriad of bubbles as if you are in a giant bottle of wine.
According to the Geophysics Bayan cárdenas from the University of Texas, living in such a hostile environment can be very different from that examined in detail to date researchers.
However, the area of Soda springs, where the ocean is bubbling volcano, difficult to survey. Submersibles require a greater depth and divers can't dive to the required level.
Maybe volcanic gases erupt through cracks in the rock in Soda springs is not the first Millennium. According to experts, here's one of the highest concentrations of CO2 on the planet — two hundred times greater than in the atmosphere.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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