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10 most famous cemeteries with ghosts

Added Mon, 03/04/2017
Дата публикации
Sun, 02/04/2017

10 most famous cemeteries with ghosts described in this article does not apply in any case, its exclusivity and uniqueness, after all, surely every cemetery has its Ghost stories and legends, which are discussed for generations. However, some of them are of particular interest to the modern "Ghost hunters".

1. The Cemetery Of Pere-Lachaise

It is an ancient Parisian cemetery became the final resting place for Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Marcel Marceau. Rumor has it that at night its territory slowly move the victims of the Holocaust in search of peace. Who knows how many other restless spirits can dwell?

2. Cemetery Saint Louis

In the cemetery of Saint Louis in New Orleans the remains of the notorious (or infamous) famous Marie Laveau, voodoo Queen of the 19th century. Locals believe that Marie, even from the grave continues to fulfil the requests and complaints of visitors. In addition, they say that the number of crypts periodically heard clearly heard crying.

3. Highgate Cemetery

In the 1960-ies in London began to actively spread rumors about a vampire living in the cemetery of Highgate. By the way, here are Karl Marx and Charles Dickens. It was also said that the cemetery began to discover bodies drained of blood animals. As a result, the citizens have launched a real hunt for a vampire, until the suspicious opening of the graves and driving aspen stakes. Caught a vampire, of course, was not. Maybe the stranger in black clothes and with a dead-white face still wanders among the tombs at night. Will you dare to explore Highgate cemetery after dark?

4. Cemetery Greenwood

The most famous Ghost of the cemetery Greenwood in DECATUR (Il), is a scared and angry boy, which the local called Michael. He throws stones at visitors, and even trying to hit or knock them off their feet. In addition to boy visitors from time to time may notice a sad girl, waving a hand to them when they leave is already closed and abandoned cemetery.

5. Cemetery Stall

It is believed that place called stull cemetery in Kansas on highway 40, also called the "graveyard of the damned", the body is buried the son of Satan from the earthly women. Rumors about strange rituals and unexplained night lights only add to the mystery even more frightening aura. Before that terrible that it is considered the gateway to hell.

6. Cemetery Of The Resurrection

Cemetery of the Resurrection in Chicago is the final resting place of not so quiet a Bloody Mary, a well-known urban legend that says that Mary was killed right near the cemetery when she came out of the gate. She systematically appears on the road and asks to drive her to the cemetery gates, at which she instantly disappears.

7. Cemetery "Garden of hope"

In Gautier (Mississippi) cemetery "Garden of hope", which is buried brutally murdered a family of seven people, including five children. After their burial, visitors often see ghosts of children running through the graveyard, laughing and playing. And here's a phantom thief that carries the wreaths from other graves on his own grave. And, of course, a Bloody Sarah – the young lady with red hair and a red robe that is chosen for the fence and the scary drivers on the road.

8. Cemetery Bachelors Grove

Another mystical cemetery in Chicago, closed for more than half a century. The researchers say that it is crawling with ghosts and other paranormal entities. Visitors testify to the white house with the columns, which quickly appears and quickly disappears, and in the early 1990-ies there was made a photo of the mysterious translucent lady in white sitting on the grave.

9. Cemetery Bonaventure

It is a picturesque cemetery in Savannah (GA) became a scene in the movie "midnight in the garden of Good and Evil." It is all overgrown with Spanish moss and it looks the perfect home for supernatural beings. The locals tell the tourists the story is about a girl Gracie Watson, whose statue sometimes the most real way is crying when someone steals her gifts, carefully leaving her visitors.

10. Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires

Recoleta cemetery is called the city of the rich, but dead. Here found rest of the legendary Eva Peron, but people say that she is unhappy about its latest "apartment". In addition, there is a legend about the night watchman, who committed suicide at his workplace, but because visitors can still hear the jingling of his keys or watch his figure roaming the area.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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