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British scientists have solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Added Wed, 05/07/2023
Дата публикации
Wed, 20/03/2019

Scientists from the University of Southampton (UK) have found that the reason for the mysterious disappearance of about a hundred ships in the famous Bermuda Triangle over the past century could be huge waves.

Scientists in the laboratory have tested one of the most popular versions. It lies in the fact that giant waves suddenly arising due to the peculiarities of the local climate cause the death of ships. They are caused by atmospheric currents, and the height of the waves can reach 30 meters. Scientists have modeled such a storm.

For the analysis, the researchers used a real 180-meter American vessel "Cyclops" (USS Cyclops). In 1918, he left the port of Rio de Janeiro with a cargo of manganese ore and 300 passengers on board. The ship mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

The experiment showed that the "Cyclops" under the influence of 30-meter waves would have gone under water in just a few minutes, breaking in half. According to the author of the study, Simon Bosall, a similar fate probably befell other missing ships.

"In the Bermuda Triangle, you can observe up to three powerful storms converging in one place. There are just perfect conditions for creating giant waves. Their height can even exceed 30 meters, they are very steep and potentially destructive for any vessel," the scientist said.

Prior to this, various researchers have put forward several versions of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. For example, it was believed that the ships went off course due to the fast current of the Gulf Stream.

According to the second version, powerful methane emissions could regularly occur from under the shelf - burning gas compresses water and therefore ships simply sank.

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