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"Летающие тарелки". Что это?

Added Tue, 15/10/2019
Дата публикации
Sun, 01/08/1982

We offer to your attention an interview published in the newspaper "Moscow news" (№ 24, June 13, 1982). Hope it will be of interest to readers who are familiar with the problem published in our journal materials: "...flying saucers" (No. 6 for 1979), "a UFO" (No. 10 in 1979), "I saw a UFO!" - (No. 3 in 1982).

The Institute of Oceanology, USSR Academy of Sciences developed the theory that from a scientific point of view to explain atmospheric phenomena, which are perceived by many as "flying saucers" and space ships controlled by intelligent beings from other planets. Our correspondent candidate of technical Sciences Yuri Samoilov met with doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, Professor Grigory BARENBLATT, which, together with a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Andrey MONONYM is the author of this theory.

- What explains the interest of humanity to "flying saucers"? Not whether it is associated with the subconscious reluctance of people to put up with being alone in the Universe?

- People do not want to believe that we have no brothers in mind and we alone in the Universe. In the human soul lives the eternal longing for encounters with extraterrestrial civilizations. But not only that. The roots of wide interest to such phenomena as flying saucers or biological field are also in the willingness of people to turn away from earthly concerns, to join something sublime and mysterious.

- And what caused your interest in this issue?

- When some years ago we with Director of our Institute Professor Andrei Mononym began to study the nature of the microstructure of the ocean, about any "plates" naturally, we thought. And only after we get the theory of education in the oceans and the atmosphere of the disc-shaped areas, we remembered about this mysterious phenomenon. It turned out that this theory is quite suitable for its explanation.

- What you knew at the beginning of "flying saucers"?

- It is not so much. It was known that they are similar to the discs that a sword athletes, sometimes with a thickening in the middle. That they are able to develop large accelerations to do steep turns in flight and instantly disappear from sight.

- What was the basis for the creation theory?

The research, which was carried out by Soviet and foreign oceanographers have shown that ocean at different depths bonebrake there are areas where the water is mixed and its density is constant. These areas have unique characteristic. Inside looks strong, "turbulence": rage chaotic vortex motion, while the outside water is perfectly calm. The length ranges from ten meters to several kilometers. Meeting with the field under certain conditions, does not promise anything good. A similar phenomenon was seen also in the atmosphere. However, the reason for the formation of such turbulent fields and the laws of their development was a mystery.

- How are these disc-shaped region?

- The water in the ocean, like the air in the atmosphere consists of layers of different density. Waves are known to occur not only on the water surface, but at depth, at the boundary between the layers. They behave the same as those which each of us saw on the river, lake, sea in windy weather. They grow, twist and collapse. At the moment of hulling two layers of water are mixed and formed a "spot" with some intermediate constant density. Therefore, the "spot" begins to spread along the boundary layers. Need to know what law this is happening. We managed to find an equation that describes the process of spreading. His decision showed that "spot" is any original shape quickly becomes thickened in the center of the disk with a clearly defined border. Then the process of spreading is greatly reduced, and the thickening disappears. Vortex motion in the "spot" amplified: the inside "spots" whirlwinds don't need to waste your energy to work against gravity, and around the "spot" - it is necessary. Here is the "plate".

- Your "plate" is still not like real flying saucers. Those visible to the naked eye. A lot of them just watched. There are even photos.

- Before this "dish" was left to do now is only one step. So, unlike the ambient air of vortex motion in the disks-spots-mixed air is not only not disappear, but, on the contrary, even worse. Out the drives it's fading fast. Imagine now that the fall from the top of the particle: this good now a lot. They can hold in suspension only the strong turbulence. Therefore, under certain conditions, the air drives become a trap for small particles that permeate the atmosphere. As soon as this disc will gather enough (and actually quite a bit of) dust, it becomes visible. The particle mass is negligible. Therefore, the "plates", responsive to the slightest breath of wind, rushing with breakneck speed, then hang in the air, swaying slightly, then suddenly doing unexpected maneuvers, as if he was going to land: we're not surprised that the behavior of the kite. The more particles accumulated in the "plate", the harder it is for turbulence to keep it in stable state: after all, the "spot" though, and slowly but blurry.

At one point, "plate" most banal way crumbles - resets the particles, will cease to exist, and disappears from view, mingling with the surrounding air. So there is no need to explain the sudden disappearance of the "flying saucers" the ability of imaginary space ships instantly develop superluminal speed.

- Have there been any experimental verification of your theory?

- Experiments conducted in our Institute under the guidance of doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences Konstantin Fedorov, confirmed the main thing: we formulated the laws of spreading the "spots" of the mixed liquid. There are experimental confirmations, and other provisions. Important confirmation was received by cosmonaut Georgy Grechko. During the flight on a space ship, he discovered the twinkling of stars at the edge of earth's atmosphere with unexpectedly low frequency. It didn't fit known theory of light scattering in the atmosphere created by academics Kolmogorov and Obukhov. Then built a lot of guesswork. In the end, Grechko, along with members of the Institute of atmospheric physics of USSR Academy of Sciences were able to explain this phenomenon using the developed representations.

But the supporters of the "flying saucers" claim that these mysterious objects exist in space, where no atmosphere. What do you say to that?

- I can cite the well-known journalist Boris Konovalov, specially studied this whole question. He personally interviewed the astronauts and figured it out completely. None of the astronauts have not seen alien ships.

- Can we consider the problem of "flying saucers" closed?

- From my point of view, Yes. Of course, there is still a lot of interesting private tasks as well, such as the problems of rain, snow, hail, etc. just seems to Me that "flying saucers" have risen in a number of atmospheric phenomena, losing the mystique.

- Do not mind if you were to deprive people of faith in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings watching us from they built space ships?

I'm sure people will invent new objects for Hobbies. However, maybe, creatures and observe, but not from the "plates". I about it know nothing.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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