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Мистика Эмиратов

Added Mon, 28/10/2019
Дата публикации
Fri, 25/10/2019

United Arab Emirates – one of the most popular destinations for tourism. Meanwhile in this country has its landmarks and legends, the ability to attract the lovers of mysticism. Here are some of them.

The mystery of the Palace of RAS al-Khaimah al Qasimi

The construction of this Palace cost the customer is one of the richest families in the UAE to 500 million dirhams (USD 136 million).

The building was still finishing work when the family decided to move there. But soon all the works were stopped, and the new owners in a hurry to move out.

Since then passed about twenty years, and the Palace and still stands abandoned. Talk about it different. For example, when the previous owners entered these walls, they began to be heard at night crying and laughter. Then furniture and other items began to move by themselves. In General, long withstand the people were not able to...

From time to time there are brave souls who out of curiosity staying here for the night. They also hear the cries and laughter of invisible children. And some of them claim to have seen at the Palace Windows of the children's faces.

They say that the building was built in the "wrong" place, which formerly belonged to the Jinn. Now they chase people away.

Spirits Villa in Jumeirah

Jumeirah is one of the most prestigious areas of Dubai. It is a mansion that is constantly rented out. But none of the tenants could not stand there and six months.

One of the former tenants told me that when his family lived in this Villa, there was a strange and eerie things. So, residents watched as a heavy vase from the porcelain itself slid across the table. Also themselves spinning in the handle, gas stoves, and children's radio-controlled machine went, not being included.

Gardeners, who from time to time cause here and tell us that the house and its surroundings unnaturally cold, and if the territory get dogs that start to bark with no apparent reason.

All agree on the fact that the house is inhabited by some otherworldly entity, but where they came from, nobody knows.

The damned trees

On the territory of Dubai is a group of six trees Prosopis that were previously considered sacred. Under them were taught to read and write the elders of the Arab boys.

Trees fenced and gate locked. And it's certainly not a sacred status. Such trees there and in other places, and no one restricts access to it.

Legend has it that in this place dwells the headless Ghost of some merchant. Several times trees tried to cut down to build homes there. But every time something happened. No time builders start work, how they befall misfortune, for example, a fatal crash. Because in the end, the trees and fenced – away from sin.

There are other versions. One of them says that in the area of trees is the cemetery in which "sleeping" is a dangerous infection. And another one that the trees emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, the accumulation of which can cause hallucinations.

Hotel ghosts

In Sharjah, there is a hotel, which is believed to be haunted. For example, at night from empty rooms can hear someone screaming.

Once one of the employees of the hotel saw running down the corridor bitterly crying boy. In the eyes of the servant, the child approached one of the rooms, gained a unique code, which is usually known only to the staff, and went in. Soon there began to be heard children's screams...

The man decided that someone in the room beat the child. He ran to the door and began to knock. But no one answered. Then he went to the Concierge and asked who lives in that room. What I heard the answer that the number is already empty a few days... When the door finally did open, there were no traces of anyone.

Ghost bride

On the road leading from the airport in Dubai, there is a plot, passing which, the drivers sometimes see in the front mirror sitting on the rear seat a young woman in a wedding dress. If you turn back, it disappears. If you do not turn and continue to look in the mirror, then it will remain in place. The Ghost never speaks with people, he always silent. After some time, the Ghost disappears.

There is an assumption that it is the spirit of a bride who died in a car accident on the way to his own wedding.

Female Genie of Umm al-Duwais

This creature can be found in many different places. Umm al-Duwais looks like a very beautiful, elegant woman with a slender figure and long black hair. Her body emits a pleasant scent of exotic Arabian perfumes.

Umm al-Duwais has the ability to hypnotize men. But if an accident closer to her, enchanted her alluring looks and a magical voice, the spirit will turn ugly old woman and then kill naive victim.

Many argue that the legend of Umm-al-Davis – not fiction. Once her allegedly even managed to capture on video. However, it shows only a silhouette in white, which is strange gait of moving on the road.

Abandoned village Jazirat al Hamra

Tell that this village was once inhabited by representatives of three tribes engaged in fishing. But once all residents have left their homes, not even taking things.

Thrill-seekers who dared to spend the night in an abandoned fishing huts, sometimes I see there is some kind of ghostly entity, not resembling the people, not the Jinn. Perhaps they caused the withdrawal of the local inhabitants.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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