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Places of power in Rostov region

Added Fri, 26/10/2018
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Fri, 26/10/2018

In the Rostov region it is found in many mysterious and mystical places, both in the city of Rostov and its surroundings. Some of them, the assurances of local residents, have a special energy and actively attract lovers of esoterica, and along with curious tourists.

The Fortress Of Dmitry Of Rostov

It is also called the "Temple of Seven shadows." It was built by architect Alexander Regelmann in 1761, the Fortress is a structure in the form of dvenadtsatiletny stars.

As stated in one of the versions, Rigelman was Maconomy decided to implement the construction of some of the characters and principles of the Masonic teaching. For another fortress built by order of adepts even more mysterious order of "the Seventh shadow", founded in ancient times by followers of the Styx. The so-called representatives of highly developed civilization that was half-human, half-water creatures and lived in the ocean. Natural disasters forced them to leave to another dimension. But Styx has continued to control Land, in particular, created the so-called "white star" - the place of concentration of cosmic energy. So, in one of these places is the fortress of Dmitry of Rostov.

The Alferaki Palace in Taganrog

This mansion in the neo-Baroque style of the South and was once owned by local philanthropist Nikolay Alferaki. He was a great lover of art, was friends with artists, in particular, with the famous Karl Briullov. The Palace was built at his request by the architect Karl Stackenschneider. It was possible to admire specimens of French painting, tropical plants and other exotics.

In the 30-ies of the last century the building became the historical Museum. According to legend, from time to time he is visited by the Ghost of the Sarmatian Queen, she comes to see their treasures – artifacts of the Sarmatian era.

The tunnels in the Large Log

On the outskirts of the village bol'shoy Log, Aksai district, in the interior hills and go four an underground tunnel, a man-made origin. They appeared in the middle of the last century, when in Mukhina Balka, located in the nearby town of Aksai, was arranged in the underground headquarters of the North Caucasian military district. According to rumors, in the tunnel, but it experienced some construction equipment, not that there were secret military lab.

In one of the tunnels like to gather psychics, magicians, esoterics – "recharged" with energy. Yet there are supposedly haunted in three translucent masculine silhouettes with hoods on their heads. The clash with the phantoms witnesses portends good luck. And some people have after such a meeting, even though apparent supernatural abilities. There is a theory that these ghosts are actually aliens from parallel worlds. By the way, the researchers of the paranormal have found that when there is a surge of electromagnetic radiation. In addition, malfunctions of video equipment, and the tunnel becomes so cold that the steam coming from the breath.

Kobyakovo hillfort

On the site of this ancient city, the Aksai laid a network of underground labyrinths, which go a variety of legends. One of them says that in the dungeons of the hidden treasure of the Zaporozhye Cossacks: 32 barrel, brim full of gold coins. There kept the Golden horse at the end of the XVII century, stolen by the don Cossacks from the Turks. And guarding the treasure, the Ghost of a woman in a white dress with flowing black hair.

Big stone

The so-called area located in Kamenskoye area, a few kilometers from the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinskiy. Here the unusual topography: soil if melted, there are caves and small craters. In some stones visible through holes is round with a length of about half a meter or more, and on one of the stones clearly imprinted trace of a human foot.

In the middle of the field is the area of the surface is pocked with craters like the moon. Also here there are rock formations of unusual shapes, one like a mask for Halloween, the other cheesecake, and the third ball... by the Way, there are a lot of stones, perfectly round shape with a diameter of from 10 to 30 cm are Still found gems, like a turtle, crocodile, and even the Egyptian Sphinx. There is ground, lined with stone slabs of the correct form. But they are not man-made origin that's the nature of the game.

A large stone is spirituality a place for meditation. There is a legend that once there landed UFOs and aliens drilled holes in the stones to take the test. But according to scientists, 50 million years ago in this region fell two meteorite - large Kamensk and Gusev. These events led to the event of unusual geological formations.

Avilov cave

In this cave on the river Bank Kalitva in the time of Peter lived a monk-believer – elder Avila. They say that he came from the upper stems, carved in stone cave with the help of improvised tools and began to live.

Avila was known as "veshchunov", and the inhabitants of the nearby village of Ust-Belaya Kalitva often went to him for advice and predictions, even trodden path to the cave.

So twenty years passed. Then the flood happened, and the elder was taken out on a raft. He never came back. However, according to legend, in a cave still inhabited by the spirit of Avila. Someone who comes here tourists can hear footsteps, someone even sees the Ghost of the elder... And they say that if you spend the night in the cave, in the dream, you can see your future...

Author: Irina Shlionskaya

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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