Added | Wed, 10/06/2020 |
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Дата публикации | Tue, 09/06/2020
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Acorn woodpecker, or melanerpes ant, or ant woodpecker (lat. Melanerpes formicivorus), belongs to the genus of woodpeckers of melanerpes. From their relatives the acorn woodpecker is distinguished by truly maniacal passion for creating stocks.
In tree trunks, wooden poles, walls, and roofs of the wooden buildings he organized "pantry", which methodically tamp acorns for the winter.
"Many birds make these stocks!" — you might say.
And will, of course, right. But tell me, how many species of birds can hide on only one tree up to 60 thousand acorns? This is unlikely under the force of someone other than ant melanerpes. For each retrieved acorn these birds are looking for the notch the right size, not sparing the search neither the time nor the energy. If the correct hole is found, the acorn woodpecker will hollow out its own. Naturally, over time, hid the acorns dry out and shrink. What do woodpeckers prudent in response to this? Right. Perepryatyvayut dried fruit in a new hole. Each shrunken fruit. Each shrunken fruit of the tens of thousands.
In this active pace of life and tight schedule of time creating steam in zheludevich woodpeckers do. Because they live usually in groups of 1-7 males and 1-3 females plus youngsters. The females lay eggs in a communal nest, and the hatching of the brickwork and subsequent feeding of Chicks attended by all the members of the chorus of "Stakhanovite" movement.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
The Stakhanovite movement: the five-year plan in three years, according to the version of the acorn woodpecker.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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