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34961 facts from 176 countries related to 1184 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2823 of them were solved, another 10897 are under verification for compliance with one of the 321 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


What happens if you capture the moon in HDR?

Why does it happen to us when we see the moon? Because our eyes cannot distinguish such bright and dark areas at the same time.

The aurora season has begun in Iceland

Fans of auroras have been waiting for the northern regions to return to the northern regions. Following Finland and Canada, the aurora season in Iceland can be considered open.

Musk says SpaceX 'fixes' brightness of satellites

SpaceX CHIEF executive Elon Musk said the company was "correcting" the brightness of his company's satellites.

Wisconsin Lake Monsters

Almost everyone knows that Nessie lives in Loch Ness,Scotland. If you are engaged in cryptozoology, you also know that Lake Champlain is home to a monster, or monsters known as Champ.

In the Philippines captured on video a unique natural phenomenon

A rare atmospheric phenomenon was observed by residents of the Philippines.

The aurora season is open

Space weather is so diverse that nature lovers have no time to relax. Thus, in the Arctic did not have time to finish the season of silver clouds, as the season of auroras began.

The UFO that was filmed by ISS cosmonaut Ivan Wagner

This time Ivan Wagner, a Russian cosmonaut currently working on the ISS boron, distinguished himself.

"Chocolate rain" falls in Swiss town

In the city of Olten in Switzerland, located between zurich and Basel, for several days in a row there was a "rain" from... cocoa powder.

Bright fireball explodes over China

Every night, the China Meteor Monitoring Organization (CMMO) launches an automatic camera in the eastern province of Shandong, which monitors the skies over the Yellow Sea coast.

Residents of Krasnoyarsk region meet with incredible

Periodically in the Krasnoyarsk news there is information that someone in the apartment was a shoe, somewhere in the field opened an abnormal hole, and someone came into contact with a UFO.

Why do we see human faces in ordinary objects?

In the life of each person there were situations when an ordinary object seemed very similar to a human face or the muzzle of an animal.


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