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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Green clouds appeared over Sweden

Last night, the Aurora Borealis flashed over the Swedish city of Abisko.

In the sky over China appeared "Hogwarts»

Residents of China almost believed in a miracle when in the sky their eyes appeared soaring in the sky "Hogwarts".

Two-headed snake found dead in Arizona

Professional snake catcher Grayson Getty from Arizona was watching a family of rattlesnakes from behind a Bush when he suddenly noticed one of the eleven reptiles curled up in a ball at a distance

The Russian company has experienced an "artificial star" in the stratosphere

One of the Russian startups announced the successful completion of tests of a project to create so-called "artificial constellations"in space.

Aliens among us: the bear butterfly and its " tentacles»

Meeting a male bear butterfly (Creatonotos Gangis) during the mating season can be a real test of the nervous system.

Another mysterious crater discovered on the Yamal Peninsula

An image of another mysterious crater on Yamal was published by the local TV channel Vesti Yamal. This was first discovered in 2014.

Again, the scientists have not found the aliens

Another large-scale project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence did not bring any results.

The most mystical places on the planet

On Earth, there are such locations, to explain the events that occur on which a person can not.

Orange haze in California

The 2020 wildfire season on the West coast of the United States was the largest on record.

Over California appeared "apocalyptic" clouds up to 9 km high

The result is the persistence of large forest fires in California marked the emergence of the so-called pyrocumulus clouds.

A blood-red haze covered Oregon

Drought and wind in Oregon led to a complication of the fire situation, killing two people.

Japanese haiku: the mushroom moonlit nights, or omphalos Japanese

Omphalotus japonicus is a species of mushroom in the cosmopolitan genus Omphalotus.


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