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UFO. Belarus

ID #1569421073
Added Wed, 25/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
5-й пер. Ямницкий дом 24

The morning of July 12 did not foretell anything unusual for the residents of private residential sector, located on the 5th floor of Amnicola in Mogilev. Some usual going to work, others were engaged in household chores in their yards, when the sky is black veil looming cloud. It began to rain, he heard thunder.

Suddenly, the houses were oppressive to the ears of the drone, began to burst light bulbs, from the hands of a 10 year old boy like a ball flew the mobile phone. Uptight people, looking out the window, he saw in the street a huge glowing ball with a diameter of about 1.5-2 meters, which was moving toward the house No. 24. Then the balloon came into contact with the TV antenna, there was a deafening explosion, followed by a strange phenomenon of split in two and ... vanished into thin air. At this time, 17-year-old girl (the daughter of the owners of the house No. 24) still enjoyed the last few minutes of sleep before going to College. Suddenly exploded the electric switch, and the pieces fell directly into a frightened girl.

Nastya jumped out of the house and in the street saw that the wooden roof of their house in flames. Fortunately, the girl has not suffered, what can be said about household: the fire had destroyed the roof. 48-year-old Nastia's father tried to extinguish the fire on their own, but the attempt proved futile and only arrived of MOE units tamed the flames.

And the cause of the incident was rare, very dangerous, and so is not fully understood natural phenomenon — ball lightning. The behavior of lightning is unpredictable. Previously it was thought that fireballs are produced only during storms and are always accompanied by the linear (normal) lightning. However, gradually it became clear that they can appear in Sunny clear weather. Believed that lightning like "attracted" to the high voltage magnetic field electric wires. But there were cases when they appeared virtually out in the open. Some residents of the village Jamnicky (from among the old-timers) say that it was not ball lightning, but a real UFO, as in my lifetime have not met even the descriptions of fireballs of this size. We will not develop this vague theory.

However, we have long had the opinion that ball lightning "think." They, at least, are considered to be instruments for the study of our world. As the high — energy entities that collect information about our planet and its inhabitants. There are suggestions that the same fireball "dives" in a certain part of space — another dimension living on other physical laws-and dropping the information appears again in our world in the new point. And the action zips regarding living beings on our planet is also meaningful, because alone they do not touch, the other "touch", and some just rip out pieces of flesh, like a genetic analysis! However, this is all speculation. So far, only it is known that the main rule with the appearance of ball lightning, — whether in the apartment or on the street, not to panic and not to make any sudden movements. Lightning is very susceptible to the vibrations of the air that we create when running and other movements, so just freeze on the spot. And, of course, never throw a fireball! Remember that at any moment lightning could explode, as a mine, and then serious consequences (burns, trauma, and sometimes loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest) inevitable.

How many more unsolved mysteries of the threat inherent in the nature? As man he was not strong, clever, rich — he's just a little helpless grain of sand before an endless and all-powerful natural elements!

Olga is not good, senior inspector of the center awareness and learning at Mogilev regional emergency Department.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Ball lightning

A rare natural phenomenon, a unified physical theory of the origin and course of which has not been presented to date.

There are about 200 theories explaining the phenomenon, but none of them has received absolute recognition in the academic environment. Since this phenomenon was introduced into the scientific sphere by the English physician and researcher of electrical engineering William Snow Harris in 1843, and a scientist of the French Academy Francois Arago in 1855, many hypotheses were put forward. Here are selectively some of them:


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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