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Раскрыта тайна внезапного появления гигантских куполов на поверхности моря

Added Wed, 23/10/2019
Дата публикации
Mon, 21/10/2019

A group of scientists from the USA found that the giant domes on the sea surface are the bubbles that occur during the eruption of underwater volcanoes. About it reports the edition (

The researchers placed microphones under the water near the volcano Theologian, which refers to the Aleutian Islands. Part of this volcano is under water and goes to a depth of 5 kilometers. Earlier in the year 2017 scientists have recorded strange infrasound, which, as it turned out, was a result of the formation of water bubbles. Closer to the surface, they were significantly increased in size.

Coming to the water surface, the bubble forms a huge dome. Underwater gas pocket repeatedly contracts and expands, until it finally collapsed. Scientists believe that the largest bubbles reached 440 meters.

At the beginning of the last century (1908) the participants of the expedition on the ship Albatross watched huge bubbles around the Aleutian Islands. According to the description of eyewitnesses, formed over the surface of the water dome size was comparable with the American Capitol.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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