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Badger buried the cow

Added Mon, 03/04/2017
Дата публикации
Sun, 02/04/2017

Scientists from the University of Utah for the first time recorded how the badger has completely buried the cow. The animal is thus trying to ensure the safety of the carcass to eat later.

Zoologists have long known about the ability of badgers to fill the food in the land, but that the animal can dig a hole this size, and immersed in it so much carrion, was a revelation. The article was published in the journal Western North American naturalist is Publications.

The researchers observed the scavengers of Utah, using multiple camera traps placed and prepared carcasses of calves. A week after the start of observations, scientists have discovered that one of the left of the carcasses disappeared.

After seeing the data from camera traps, experts were surprised that the calf was not to carry off large animals (coyote or mountain lion), and submerged into the ground a badger. Badger dug a "cellar" in just five days. Later near the place of burial of the carcasses were discovered the hole scavenger.

Another camera trap "caught" another digger, but the second badger was not able to completely bury the carcass: the part of the body remained outside.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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