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The Belarusian chupacabra turned out to be a bald raccoon

Added Wed, 08/12/2021
Дата публикации
Fri, 26/07/2013

The Belarusian Chupacabra turned out to be a bald raccoon, the animal's body disappeared. The other day, Belarusian shepherds beat an unknown creature to death and brought it "for identification" to veterinarians. That night the chupacabra disappeared.

This is not a chupacabra, but a bald raccoon. Veterinarians have studied a strange animal that shepherds beat to death with sticks in the Dokshitsky district the other day.

Locals mistook the animal for the mythical creature Chupacabra - recently someone regularly attacked cattle, biting sheep and cows by the legs. However, experts dispelled superstitions: the unfortunate animal was just very ill.

Oleg Solovyov, Chief veterinarian of the Dokshitsky district:

"This is not a chupacabra, just a young raccoon, besides suffering from shingles or scabies. He had practically no hair on his body, so the animal had an intimidating appearance."

It is also possible that it was a young raccoon that had not yet released its fluffy fur, or its fur did not grow as a result of mutation. However, the veterinarians did not manage to study the creature properly — someone stole the animal's body that night.

Local media write that a decaying chupacabra was stolen by a certain girl for conducting rituals. Many in the district do not believe the conclusions of veterinarians: outwardly, the animal does not look like a raccoon at all, besides, this small predator does not have the habit of attacking cows — it feeds on insects, frogs and - at most - mice.

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