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Unusual phenomena of the Kirov region

Added Wed, 01/12/2021
Дата публикации
Mon, 03/02/2014

On Vyatka, they are looking for a snowman, a chupacabra and a light forest. The Kirov region has always been famous for unusual phenomena: then nature will present some surprises, then they will suddenly go to Vyatka to look for a snowman. Komsomolka has prepared a selection of the most interesting mystical phenomena, which, according to witnesses, were observed on Vyatka.

Snowman from Sovetsk

There have been rumors for a long time that a yeti supposedly lives in the Kirov region. First, a snowman was spotted in the Verkhoshizhemsky district, and then in Sovetsk. Hunters complained about an unprecedented beast that lives in the deep forests. As a result, when such messages exceeded 30, a special expedition went in search of them. Activists from the group "Kosmopoisk" decided to check whether the extravagant statements of Kirov residents are speculation.

— One of the residents of Sovetsk said that he saw a female snowman when he was hunting, - explained the head of the Kirov branch of the group "Kosmopoisk" Yuri Kalinogorsky. - Other residents confirmed this information. They explained,  that they also found a rookery of a large creature that did not look like a bear or a boar. The branches in his makeshift lair were stacked very neatly.

To catch the yeti, the "hunters" worked out all the places where they could allegedly see a strange creature. They worked on baits. In order to attract the attention of the bigfoot, the researchers brewed fragrant herbs (rosehip, lime blossom and others) and poured this "tea" on a small stump near the camp.

By the way, 7 people participated in the search for the Vyatka Yeti. The cost of a week's stay in Vyatka cost them about 15 thousand rubles. The guys had all the necessary equipment with them: hunting cameras, walkie-talkies, navigators and motion sensors. By the way, they do not intend to continue searching for Bigfoot in our region in the future.

Chupacabra from Vyatka Glades

However, not so long ago, another mystical animal began to "wield" in the Kirov region. A farmer of their Vyatka Glades found several dead birds with "characteristic" bites on their necks on the farmstead, as if some creature had sucked all their blood. The Internet is teeming with similar stories and even pictures with the main character, popularly called a chupacabra. The poultry farmer immediately decided that his farm was attacked by a similar creature. A hunt was announced, journalists were called to record the capture of a rare and, most likely, non-existent animal. And so it turned out. The Chupacabra was not caught, and the issue with the unknown creature remained open. There is an assumption, which differs from the above myth in its sanity, that a wild dog could have caused so much trouble.

Light forest in Darovsky

Vyatka nature often surprises residents of the region with its quirks. Kirov residents often become eyewitnesses of unusual phenomena. For example, recently residents of the Darovsky district observed a light forest. Alexey Kokorin became an eyewitness of this amazing natural phenomenon. According to him, he hunted for this miracle with a camera for almost two years! And one day the long-awaited moment came.

- Ice crystals (diamond dust) have been floating in the atmosphere all day. There were so many of them that there was a fairly dense haze around," Alexey Kokorin said. — When the first shots came out, I realized that my next dream had come true again!

According to Alexey, the light forest is often confused with the northern lights, but there is little in common between them. This phenomenon is observed more often at sunset or sunrise, and in winter at low temperature and high humidity. Most often it can be observed in frosts under 20 degrees

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