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Eyewitness: a Huge leech was crawling in the swamp

Added Fri, 28/09/2018
Дата публикации
Fri, 28/09/2018

"I used to live in a small and beautiful coastal town, around which are very damp and many small wetlands. Including swampy puddles a lot in the city limits and in these places it is difficult to build something, so it's mostly a wasteland. In these swamps they live mostly only frog muskrat Yes, anything bigger they are not there.

When I was 22 and it happened 4 years ago. In the night of Friday, I, along with other students took a break from the stressful school week and go to the local pub. We spent a great few hours, with plenty of booze and fun.

It was about 3am when I walked to his home. My house was not far from the pub, so I slowly just walked down the road. And next to the road was one of the small wetlands and when I was already half-way there, I noticed that there's something off in the water. At first I thought I drunk and seeing things, but because of the alcohol I was much braver than usual and much more curious and I decided to just go up there and see what it is. But what I saw there, instantly sobered me up and I still can't forget this thing.

When I got close to the water and stared at it, at first I saw what seemed to me a huge, human-sized, leech or slug. This creature was on the edge of the swamp and when it began to come out ashore, he suddenly discovered his hands (!). It was strong and fairly muscular limbs, the creature had caught up with them and pulled herself to dry land. The more it is crawled, the better I could see it. In length it was 5-6 feet (1.5 — 1.8 meters), and standing on her hands in the height of it was three feet (90 cm).

When it came ashore, I realized that no foot had not, only a pair of strong hands. His body was very slimy and when it was moving along the shore, leaving a wet trail. The head I don't remember, there was just a massive bulge on the upper end of the body and she gave a soft, but intense glow. This glow reminded me of the natural bioluminescence and thread it went from "forehead" along the spine.

When I saw this, I absolutely gasped in amazement and just stood there looking at it like it's crawling and then moves along the shore. But being me seems completely did not notice, so I concluded that most likely he has a bad sense of smell and poor eyesight, but can be a great rumor, but since I didn't move, it didn't hear me. And when I thought about it, I said out loud "what a thing!" (actually much less censorship option statements) and the creature immediately stopped and looked at me with his upper torso.

On the convexity of I only then saw two large black eyes. At the same time the glow on his back and the head went out and I never saw him in the dark. But then I heard him screaming, and he was suddenly like a bird's cry, only rougher. At the same time I heard as it moves in my direction, his body rustled on the grass coastal. I instantly regained the ability to move and my legs bore me up on the road. When I got to the road, it was very quiet and there were no signs of approaching this creature.

It is possible that it didn't want to hurt me, and only wanted to scare her. I don't know what it was, but I never met this creature at the same time keeping away from the marshes.

When I graduated, I moved to Toronto and vowed to myself never in those places not to go."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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