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Haunted house in Chebarkul

Added Tue, 28/11/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 28/11/2017

In the historical part of the Chebarkul (Chelyabinsk region) is the house, which was built almost 150 years. Today within its walls is the management of culture of administration of chyebarkulsky district. Over a half-century of its existence, the building has accumulated a rich history and has experienced many events, both happy and sad.

Two-storey house in the city center, 22 today looks like a modern building: the cladding light yellow siding, the European competitions and a sign indicating that there is a management culture of chyebarkulsky district. Only when you look closer, you realize that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance — a wooden staircase and Windows, located only a few inches from the ground speak eloquently about that age now administrative offices exceeds century mark.

Its history this house is in the middle of the 19th century and it was built by the ancestors of Chebarkul family Rohmistrova. Also interesting is the fact that it was built on the historic site - where almost three centuries ago, was a Chebarkul fortress. However, to own svezheotvarennom family nest family Rohmistrova had long. Soon the revolution broke out and, like many other houses in Chebarkul, a two-storey building was nationalized.

After the building became part of the national heritage, within its walls at various times housed the police, passport office, Department cinemafication and it was from here during the great Patriotic war went to the front of chebarkulsky — from the military — said senior specialist of tourism and the protection of the cultural heritage of management of culture of chyebarkulsky district Vadim Velitchenko. In the 90-ies of the last century in the former home Rohmistrova settled governance culture Chebarkul district, which is here and now. About ten years ago, the old building has undergone minor cosmetic repairs: about half a meter has been ratcheted up a floor of the first floor, as the house is much "sunk" during this time, the walls sheathed with siding and replaced the old window frame. The layout was not affected, however, it is difficult to say what purpose it was used one or another of the many rooms - where 150 years ago there are a living room, kitchen or children's. Today they are offices, with appropriate entourage.

Despite the long history of this house, if work was found a lot of artifacts. The walls are preserved some ancient forged nails, and also in the yard was found a few bottles. The ground floor was lined with thick logs of larch, which on the chips was completely white, it is visible that was built for the ages. However, what is surprising is that the house before everyone continues to live their lives, hear the sounds of unknown origin. Despite the fact that there are a lot of office equipment, after a weekend when we arrive, the smell of houses, as if the owners recently walked away — says the head of the culture Department of chyebarkulsky district Elena Sedova.

The glory of "haunted house" for this building was fixed long ago, a night watchman together to share the "supernatural stories". However, all the stories are similar: I heard distinct steps, the sounds of kitchen utensils and flashed a white figure. According to legend the real mistress of the old house Rohmistrova was Ekaterina Dmitrievna that I knew all of Chebarkul'skaya stanitsa. She was a true Cossack: tall, handsome, with a lively mind and strong character. According to local legend, her soul was unable to leave the family nest, which was built on the rich dowry of the bride Paul Rohmistrova from Troitsk.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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