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The most mystical places of the Perm region

Added Mon, 01/11/2021
Дата публикации
Sat, 14/07/2007

Do not think that ghosts live only in cold English castles. There are enough ghosts of their own in the Urals! Yes, and aliens meet hobbits. You just need to know where to look for them. And Komsomolka will tell you the addresses.

1. Meshkov House

Where? Perm, Ordzhonikidze str., 11a.

How to get there? To the stop "Perm I" by bus No. 3t, trams No. 3, 12, trolleybuses No. 11, 3, 9.

What does the legend say? At night, in the former house of the Perm merchant Meshkov, children's crying, women's moans and sighs are heard. Legends say that the souls of babies and girls who were ruined by Meshkov are crying. The house was built about a hundred years ago by Nikolai Vasilyevich Meshkov himself. Kolya spent his childhood in poverty: his father was a small shopkeeper. But when he began to trade himself, things went well. And the merchant built the mansion on a grand scale: high marble steps, a wrought-iron openwork canopy over the porch... I chose a place on the very shore of the Kama River, so that passing ships with passengers could appreciate the luxury and wealth of the people living here. Sacks was a generous and loving man. There were rumors of women secretly visiting this house at night and returning back with large bills in their hands. Sometimes children were born as a result of "joys". Fearing to be disgraced, mothers brought babies to Meshkov's house at night and left them on the porch. The merchant placed most of the children in charity shelters. But some of them did not live to see the morning - they froze. Their souls cry at night in the mansion.

2. Bishop's Complex

Where? Perm, Ordzhonikidze str., 10 (now these buildings house a museum of local lore, a gallery, a terrarium and a zoo).

How to get there? Go to the stop "Reshetnikov Square" by buses No. 3t, 11t, trams No. 3 and 11, trolleybuses No. 1, 3, 9.

What does the legend say? Once there was a cathedral - the most important - the cathedral of Perm. There were also houses for the clergy, a monastery hotel, a garden and a cemetery. Governors, state councillors, monks, doctors were buried in the churchyard, that is, people who did a lot for Perm and Permians. After the revolution, the cemetery was destroyed: the bars were broken at the clean-up and the tombstones were taken out. A zoo was placed in the vacant place. The ministers of the church were expelled from the buildings. Such blasphemy was not in vain. Since the 20s, ghosts have settled in the bishop's complex. For almost a hundred years, people have been talking about the strangeness that happens here at night. Night watchmen swear that they hear mysterious sounds and footsteps in empty halls. The artist of the museum admits that he met with a ghost, a lady dressed in black clothes. And the townspeople, walking along the embankment in the evenings, have more than once seen a wandering light in the black openings of windows.

One of the legends is connected with the last archbishop of the cathedral - Andronikos. After the revolution, the Red commissars forced him to dig his own grave, and then covered him alive with earth. A sad monk sometimes wanders through the halls of the cathedral, terrifying museum workers.

3. The Prayer triangle

Where? The village of Molebka of the Kishertsky district.

How to get there? From Perm II station to Shumkovo station by train (daily at 5.09, 6.17, 15.30. The ticket price is 74 rubles).

What does the legend say? For several decades, residents of Molebka, a village located on the steep bank of the Sylva River, have been talking about unusual aircraft. They say they saw unearthly cars hovering over the opposite low-lying coast. And the Molebka became famous throughout the country in the 80s, when the first anomalous zone in the USSR was discovered here. While hunting, ufologist Emil Bachurin came across huge circles. And he assumed that these were traces of the presence of aliens. Several expeditions went to explore the mysterious place. Skeptics were not convinced by the results of their checks. But since then, the village has become a place of pilgrimage for tourists - people from all over Russia come here who want to participate in contacts with the unearthly mind. The territory was even dubbed the Prayer Triangle - by analogy with Bermuda.

4. The ghost of TYUz

Where? Perm, Bolshevistskaya str., 68.

How to get there? From the stop "Central market" go by any transport to the east. "Sibirskaya St. (pedagogical University)" and go down, or to the stop "TYUZ" by buses No. 11t, 68t.

What does the legend say? The house in which the Perm Youth Theater is now located was built in the XIX century for the spouses Ivan and Elizabeth Lyubimov. Ivan Ivanovich was twice elected mayor, was a well-known philanthropist: with his help, an orphanage, a museum and a theater appeared in the city. When he died suddenly in 1899, half of Perm gathered to see him off on his last journey. Elizaveta Ivanovna lived to see the revolution, and then died of starvation in a small wing on Bolshevistskaya Street (formerly Catherine Street).

Some time later, the theater of the young spectator moved to the Lyubimov house. And immediately strange things began to happen: actresses' dresses began to disappear, lights suddenly flashed and went out in the dressing rooms on the second floor. The local watchman claims that he even saw a female silhouette at night. And the theater artist says that one day he felt the presence of someone else. No other way than the hostess walks-wanders, can't part with her house.

5. The picture of the Last Judgment

Where? Cherdyn.

How to get there? By bus from the bus station on the Perm - Nyrob flight daily at 7.35, 16.55 (with a stop in Cherdyn). There is also a direct flight to Cherdyn at 15.40 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The ticket price is 366 rubles.

What does the legend say? In the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin of the city of Cherdyn, an event occurred that surprised not only local residents, but also Americans. The Assumption Church was restored in 2001. The artists revealed an ancient painting - a picture of the Last Judgment, painted over in Soviet times with green paint. The painting was not given to the restorers: the paint came off the walls along with the image. Therefore, the work was stopped, and the wall was painted over with white paint. But one morning the picture of the Last Judgment opened itself. The face of Jesus Christ appeared. And pieces of alien paint fell to the floor, forming a cross. It happened on September 11, 2001 - the day when the twin towers in America collapsed.

6. Kolvin besists (sorcerers)

Where? Villages of Susai, Diy, Tulian of Cherdynsky district.

How to get there? Go to Cherdyn (see point 5), and then get on your own, since buses do not call in these villages.

What does the legend say? In the north of the Perm Region, on the banks of the Kolva River, there are several sparsely populated villages where pagans live. Christianity never reached these places. Entrance to women without a skirt, and men without a beard is prohibited. Villagers eat vegetables-berries from their gardens and fish, which they masterfully catch. People don't read newspapers, don't watch TV, don't even take money in their hands - all this is forbidden by faith. There are many besists (sorcerers) among the villagers who treat complex diseases by rolling eggs, protect against the evil eye and demons. They can also cause damage and kill cattle. Sorcerers pass on their gift by inheritance. People are afraid of demons, but they still turn for help: the nearest hospital is hundreds of kilometers away from the impassable taiga.

7. The Snowman from Mizhui

Where? The village of Mizhuy (Mizhuyeva) of Kudymkarsky district.

How to get there? By bus Perm - Kudymkar, which follows daily to 7.20, 8.05, 9.15, 9.50, 10.50, 12.00, 13.30, 14.25, 16.40, 19.10 ( the ticket price is 243 rubles). then go from Kudymkar to the village of Mizhui by commuter bus at 6.45, 10.00, 14.35, 18.25 (ticket price - 25 rubles).

What does the legend say? Mizhu residents claim that a whole family of snowmen lives in the forest near their village. People have often seen a two-meter giant walking on two legs. And one day they noticed a second snowman - a small creature 1.20 - 1.30 meters tall, which was heading towards the forest in leaps. The shaggy neighbors of the Mizhuites are very timid: as soon as they see a person or feel his presence, they immediately run away into the thicket. The body of the guests from the forest is covered with light brown fur. At the end of autumn, unknown creatures appear more often, in summer they are almost never seen.

8. Ohan nun

Where? The village of Tabory of the Okhansky district.

How to get there? From Perm to Okhansk, the bus runs in a circle, every day at 14.35, on Fridays and Sundays - at 19.20 (ticket price - 150 rubles). You can drive through the Bank of the Kama River, daily at 7.45, 11.45, 13.45, 15.45 and 17.40 (ticket - 81 rubles). The intercity bus from Okhansk to the village of Tabora runs daily at 8.40 am, as well as on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8.20 am and 15.20 pm (ticket price is 50 rubles).

What does the legend say? On the banks of the Kama River near the village of Tabory, bitter crying can be heard on autumn nights. This yearns and cries for his beloved young nun. Legend has it that a monastery stood in this place a long time ago. There was a village on the other bank. A young monk fell in love with a village girl Anna. Lovers met at night, a girl on a wooden boat secretly crossed the river to her beloved. One autumn, during a strong storm, the boat capsized and the girl drowned. The nuns waited for their beloved for a long time, shouting loudly at the shore: "Oh, Anna! Oh, Anna!". But I couldn't shout. And the city that arose later on this place was called Okhansky.

9. Blue calf

Where? Village Kuva of Kudymkarsky district.

How to get there? From the bus station to Kudymkar (see point 7), then by bus to Kuva, (daily in 6.00, 20.10, 13.50, 15.05, 17.55 ( the ticket price is 47 rubles. 50 kopecks.).

What does the legend say? The ancestors of the inhabitants of the village of Kuva were rich, prosperous people. And that's why there are many treasures buried in this land. The houses have long been destroyed, and the hiding places are overgrown with grass. To find the treasure, you need to go outside the village on a moonlit night. If you are lucky, a blue calf will appear at the place where the treasure lies. He'll nibble the grass and then disappear. Immediately pick up a shovel and dig in this place. They say that more than one person has become rich this way.

10. Chud white-eyed

Where? The village of Suksun.

How to get there? From the bus station by direct route to Suksun, daily at 13.15, 17.10, on Fridays and Sundays - at 18.30, on Monday - at 19.10 (ticket price - 178 rubles. 50 kopecks.).

What does the legend say? As Suksun residents assure, sometimes you can hear thin high-pitched voices from under the ground. It is the members of the white-eyed Chud tribe who are talking - little people living in caves. Previously, they were the owners of these places. When big people (like us) appeared here, the Chud tribe decided to disappear. The Kama "hobbits" dug underground caves and moved into them, and the logs that reinforced the entrance were knocked out.



The material was prepared with the help of senior lecturer of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of Perm Pedagogical University Lidiya TUNEVA.

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