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Manta Ray underwater drone spotted on Google satellite maps

Added Thu, 27/06/2024
Дата публикации
Thu, 27/06/2024

Amazing things are happening in the waters of the Port Heneme Naval Base, hidden from the public eye. Recently, thanks to the vigilance of users of social networks, it became known about the existence of the latest underwater vehicle designed to conduct marine reconnaissance. This is reported by Mail Online.

Satellite images that went viral last Sunday showed something resembling footage from science fiction series of the last century. But this was not an invention of the screenwriters. It was the Manta Ray, a stealthy underwater drone developed by Northrop Grumman Corporation on behalf of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Manta Ray is not just another drone. This device is capable of traveling huge distances underwater at incredible speed and without the need for refueling. Its ability to "hibernate" on the ocean floor and remain unnoticed makes it an ideal tool for covert operations.

Despite the fact that the existence of Manta Ray is no longer a secret (after all, even Northrop Grumman published a video about its development), many details remain behind the scenes. What other possibilities does this mysterious device hide? What are his true goals and objectives?

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