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A researcher has discovered a link between bigfoot sightings and the bear population

Added Mon, 22/01/2024
Дата публикации
Mon, 22/01/2024

A study published in the Journal of Zoology reveals an interesting connection between black bears and the mysterious bigfoot (yeti) roaming the forests of North America.

Researcher Flow Floxon from the Society of Folk Zoology in Pittsburgh has attempted to solve a cryptozoological mystery that worries many. In his research, he revealed an amazing correlation between the number of black bears in specific US states and the frequency of encounters with the "bigfoot".

According to Floxon, "for every 1,000 bears, the number of bigfoot sightings increases by 4%. This opens up the prospect of solving the mystery of bigfoot."

Despite the fact that many skeptics claim that the yeti is just a fiction, there are many people who claim to have seen this creature with their own eyes.

"As the black bear population increases, the number of bigfoot sightings is expected to increase," Phloxon wrote. "In 2006, considering the number of people and the area of forests, there were approximately 5,000 bears per spotted bigfoot on average across all states and provinces."

However, despite the convincing statistics, the mystery of the existence of bigfoot remains unsolved. Many scientists suggest that observations of these cryptids may be the result of mistaken identification of known forms. Who knows, maybe what we think of as a bigfoot is actually an ordinary bear.

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