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The UFO 1990 in the sky over Belgium was drawing

Added Sun, 05/03/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 28/07/2011

The famous image, captured in April 1990, a UFO in the sky over Belgium was an ordinary draw. This is a picture depicting an unidentified flying triangular shaped object with four lights on the case. At that time it was one of the clearest images of a UFO ever falling into the hands of experts, reports ITAR-TASS.

After this incident, Belgium covered the real alien fever, as hundreds of people are reported to have been eyewitnesses to the appearance of extraterrestrial objects in different parts of the country. And at the airport of Liege had even organized the famous "UFO hunt", for participation in which was involved the Belgian air force. Spoke to the most incredible hypotheses - from the imminent invasion of an alien civilization to test the newest "planes-invisible beings".

However, it was much easier.

"Made triangular-shaped layout, has attached to it four lights hung in the night sky. The result is quite plausible the", - told reporters the Patrick. It is noteworthy that even the NASA experts did not suspect the forgery.

"I did not expect that will happen this hype, "admitted the author of "ducks." That is why so many years he did not dare to reveal the truth. "But sooner or later, I had to confess," the apologetic tone said Patrick.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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