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Ust-Kulom "creature" turned out to be Wolverine

Added Sun, 02/10/2016
Дата публикации
Mon, 20/04/2015

Bloodsucker who dried up the not one pet, could not eat normally because of the injury.

Recall that in the area got a strange beast, the locals started talking in early April. An unknown animal killed all of the rabbits in the barn, a resident of the village CabanyalOlga Katasonova. Someone had cut up the neck, the sternum from the heart, someone- inguinal vein. All rabbits were exsanguinated. The fangs were part of the fabric of the victim to a depth of two centimeters.

I went online to see who could do it. Looks more like a Chupacabra. An adult animal, it breaks the spine and youngsters bites his neck. Lower fangs, ripping up a vein and drank the blood. It was the same with us.

- said O. Katasonova.

From the actions of an unknown animal affected and other residents of the village. The family Savinykh killed a few goats, took all the rabbits. The family Maslinsky beast dealt with rabbits, which did not protect even the cells. Began to disappear the cats. In one of the sheds night bandit like a beaver tried to chew through the logs on the ceiling, when someone has scare – goat was saved.

As the newspaper "Tribune", local hunters made up a flag on a beast of a vampire. Happened something similar to both the wallabies and the dog: the ears of the beast held tightly, the back has a thin and long tail, back slightly arched.

As informs "Komiinform", the mystery was solved. The creature was a Wolverine. The inhabitant of the area Emma Napalkov said that five kilometers from Cabanyes, in the area of the former airport, the beast caught the hunters.

The explanation for this behavior of the animal was found. Wolverine once got into the hunting loop, gnawed the rope, but part of it stuck in the beast's mouth between the teeth. The rope hurt Wolverine enough to eat, so she could only suck the blood of other animals.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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