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Amazing "acid" rainbow captured on the photo in Wales

Added Fri, 30/03/2018
Дата публикации
Fri, 30/03/2018

A beautiful rainbow "acid" colors captured two weeks ago in Wales. The owner of a local hotel John Kane says that the striking multi-colored arc suddenly appeared in the sky after a heavy rain, held here March 16. A resident of Welsh County Gwynedd region is not only a successful businessman but also an avid photographer, so he was able to photograph such an unusual phenomenon in all its glory.

Hitting the days of the world wide web, colorful pictures immediately interested in not only familiar to John, but also journalists, meteorologists and simple curious onlookers from all over the world. Commentators asked Kane, was not subject whether it image computer processing, and the author swears that the shots are authentic. 64-year-old man always carries a camera in such a case, and this time he was lucky enough. Here is what he said:

I've never seen anything like it. The colors were incredibly bright, and the rainbow was clearly on the side of a hill. From this it was possible to think that the hill is lit. Many people wrote to me that I use "Photoshop", but they are wrong. I'm one of those rare photographers who don't process their images. The only way to convey to people the true beauty of our world. It was just a magical sight. Me and my family very lucky that we live here, where sometimes it happens natural wonder.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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