Added | Thu, 25/01/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Thu, 25/01/2018
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On 18 November this year over the Peruvian city of Lamas, an incredible cloud of rainbow colors, looked like something from a children's cartoon or a sci-Fi movie.
Local photographer David Alvarado captured the amazing anomaly on a professional camera and hurried to share the gained skills with users of the world wide web. According to the man, he was so shocked he opened the show, did not immediately think to capture it on film. But luckily, still managed to do it...
Skeptics don't deny that it looks truly amazing, however, I believe that nothing supernatural is not here. This, according to them, the so-called mother of pearl clouds, which are formed in the stratosphere at a height of 15-25 kilometers. Due to the great height they, say, receive sunlight from outer space, even when in that region of the planet on which they appear, is the night. Other regulars Network believe that it is all about something unusual, for example, about the antics of aliens, or opened a portal to another dimension.
One should not overlook the theory of rational clouds, add a third. And according to her, the cloud can serve people the signs to line up in certain characters, just to perform some unknown task, and perhaps even to amuse. What we used to explain - it is nothing more than a game of the human mind, which has no relation to the true structure of the world...
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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