Added | Tue, 27/06/2017 |
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Дата публикации | Mon, 26/06/2017
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17 June in Bucharest (Romania) was very unstable weather. In the morning it was raining, and the day violent storm. But when the storm subsided, a rainbow appeared and it was extremely strange. In the middle of the color arc was the gap!
Local resident Nicholas-Adrian says:
"I realized that I could see something very rare: it's a rainbow-the twins".
Expert on atmospheric optical effects Les Kylie, who proposed the term "rainbow twins" about 10 years ago, explains: "Sometimes, especially in stormy weather, the rainbow is divided into two. This is rare and may only last a few seconds. We think, but not sure what the "twins" to form rain drops of different sizes. The top arc is formed of nearly circular small drops. Big drops, more flattened by air resistance, make up the lower arc. Two types of droplets can be in separate bands of rain. In support of the "dvuhstadialnoj version" says that the appearance of the secondary arc is not divided — as in the picture Nicholas Adrian".
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
© Corlaci Nicolae-Adrian |
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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